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Ixtun Berserk Combo

Throne Deck By


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Playing with a bit of a berserk combo deck. Trying to go under/quicker than the Winchest decks, since they lack fast response other than torch, which the buffs negate pretty well. Aggro can be a difficult matchup, but overwhelm and Hojan can do a lot of work. Still lots of tinkering to be done. Powerbase probably still needs work.

Updates for Balance Patch and tuning:
Avigraft is completely dead for this deck, 4 cost is waaaay too much. Permafrost is definitely the way to go allowing vanquish in the black market. Mighty strikes was probably really strong for draft, but man it slotted pretty nicely here, brings rampage back to the main deck. So Rampage replaced with Groundbreaker to get a useful double damage unit in the market, this deck really needs a way to get an extra unit if starved, so this works.

Also after testing Raider is definitely the way to go over ChaFu since makes all our other units instant mega threats with our tricks. The Smuggler nerf, doesn't hurt this deck much, while making it weaker to aggro, we never really cared about it's health, all about that double damage.

Also with Levitate being restored, REALLY looking at away to get 4 in, the ability to go over AND draw is massive for this deck at 1 cost.

Final update: Slight tune, I think this is a fairly decent list where it's at. It's pretty fun and can win out of nowhere, might consider swapping Signal Fire in the market for Mighty Strikes just because having an overwhelm buff is pretty important. But with looots of Shadow decks out there running Annihilate out there, this deck gets hosed.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 2 1

Power Sources
18 10 7 10

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
19 20 31 1

Card Types
23 4 28 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]
Into Shadow [Set1004]


January 18, 2019

January 15, 2019


Eternal Version
Balance Changes

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL

Revisions (Since last major patch) January 18, 2019



Almost Edited Eternal Version: 1.42.2
I like the concept. The deck plays enough low-cost things that I think you want more undepleted power, like seats or diplomatic seal. With 6 merchants, you may not hit 5 power as often, so you probably don't want a full 8 standards. Avigraft is the only JJ card, so it might be better to play something like Vanquish or Permafrost for the sake of a simpler powerbase.

Dusk Raider is a decent source of Berserk that seems to be missing from the current list.
Aedion Eternal Version: 1.42.2
I've definitely thought on the power some over some testing. Will be trying a couple more undepleted power, pulling two of the Crownwatch Standards(Shugo definitely feels like it carries much more) for Seat of Glory. You are probably right on moving from Avigraft to Permafrost. I had previously been running vanquish but too often when this deck needs to get something out of the way it may not have 4 attack, especially with SST being the only endurance unit showing up even a little bit.

I've definitely been debating ChaFu vs Dusk Raider. Would help the power base a decent bit pulling back on the primal, because without the 2nd primal ChaFu feels pretty useless anyways.

Thanks for the feedback!