PROTIP: Don't play Battlefront Dasher on your first turn.
90% of the time you want to lead with Raging Jackal. Kazuo should only go out turn one if you have Flail in hand to buff him on second turn. Battlefront Dasher only gets played on first turn if you have a bad draw with nothing to play on your second turn.
Ankle Cutter should be kept in hand and not played on the board too early if you are going against Rakano. He will get removed before you can take advantage of his ability to kill Endurance units (Magniventris).
Oni Inciter should also be kept in hand if you are going against control/relic decks until you need him, or are close enough to finish off the game. Don't waste his ability.
Awakened Arsonist is great for baiting removal and keeping the card draw going. Don't play power cards until after his draw. You don't want to waste them.
Parapet Sentry and Obliterate are for finishing off your opponent. These are your primary targets for Touch of Force.
Why Charchain Flail and not Detonation Cannon? Because Cannon's damage to units doesn't scale with power. Charchain Flail makes efficient use of power between 3-5 to help us keep the board clear. A clear path for our units is more valuable than hitting with Detonate.