Deck lives for the dream of landing
Diogo Málaga, Elonze on
End of Hostilities. Once the
End of Hostilities is in the void, Tribute a
Kenna, Shaman of the Scale to fill your board with 20+/20+ Kennas and draw about 6+ cards plus all the spells in your void.
The combo isn't necessarily a common one to achieve, so the deck otherwise works like a typical Kennadin, splashing Time. Having
Equivocate instead of
Permafrost has been a nice addition as we finally have an answer to Plate.
You can wait until you see an EoH on top of your deck before playing Diogo, but even if the Destiny doesn't hit EoH, it often ends up being helpful.
I've had good results against all the FJP/FJS decks running around. Still a Work In Progress.
If you manage to land Destiny on EoH, you're probably going to win already anyways. :)