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Finally working Midrange Feln (rank 2 January 2018)

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve




This is the results of my deckbuilding of the last few days: a midrange feln deck with controllish elements.

In no way this is a refined deck. I don't play a lot and this is only the result of my testing. Feel free to improve the deck and give suggestion.

Yet the deck work! I peaked at rank 2 masters and now I am rank 4, so there must be something good in there. The matchup vs aggro is pretty bad, but you beat argenport midrange, and that is a big plus.

Things I think this deck does good, for future feln midrange deckbuilder:

No 2 drops: - too low impact in slow matchup, which you are supposed to dominate.
Impending doom: - way better than steward of the past in current meta,
Midninght gale: - card is really, really good. usually eats a vanquish, but it clear the way for your gamewinning 4 drops.

The deck is super expensive in terms of vials.

To budgetize:

-2 jotun +1 impending doom, + 1 steward of the past
-3 rindra +3 steward
-1 black sky and -1 vara +1 strategize + 1 feeding time

Other legendaries are core.

Any question I will answer in the comments.

Thanks for reading and enjoy!


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 3

Power Sources
21 18 12

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
20 18 11 16

Card Types
23 4 21 0 27

Control Midrange

January 27, 2018

January 26, 2018


Eternal Version
The Dusk Road

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL



Rainbird Eternal Version: 1.27
I just played a slight variation of this deck (including Twilight Raptor for some more low end) over 14 games with 64% win rate. Thumbs up!
One thing I noticed though is that Strategize felt awkward in many situations. There was rarely any card I really wanted to give up. If you say this deck is weak vs. aggro (which I only encountered one time today), I would like to know whether you considered Nocturnal Observer instead of Strategize for this deck? It can act as draw/discard or as a blocker against aggro depending on the match-up (and also keeps Rindra, the Duskblade activated).
Shine Eternal Version: 1.27
Hey man, I'm really glad you enjoyed the deck! And thanks for the feedback, the idea of nocturnal observer looked nice. But strategize is there mostly for the mirror against feln and the armory matchup, where all your removal are dead draws, and I found that nocturnal observer doesn't have enough impact to warrant the inclusion.

I would say that maybe a mix of this and reanimator with it would be good, but I have not been able to make it work, yet! ;)