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[Top 10 Masters] Green Feln

Throne Deck By
Team Rankstar


Cost Curve




Ever since we got Hailstorm, I have been building and improving my control lists. This post explains my entire progress: Unitless X Blue v.4.3. And I have finally made the control list that got me to Top 10 Masters and might be the best control list in the entire set 3 meta. It's probably not original, but it's certainly my best achievement. I have to thank everyone on the reddit and discord who helped me improve the list.

There's really not much to explain when it comes to the game plan. You use Hailstorm and Slay in the early game to put yourself in a good position. Then you build up card advantage through a string of Strategize and Wisdom of the Elders. Harsh Rule and Throne Warden stabilize the mid-game.Jotun Feast-Caller and Black-Sky Harbinger provide value and finish the game out. Channel the Tempest is card draw, removal, and a win-con. Sword of the Sky King is life gain, removal and a win-con. Eilyn's Choice, and Feeding Time round out a really solid removal package, Eilyn's Choice doubles as a finisher when it counters Channel the Tempest in control mirrors.

And finally, the most instrumental tech in making the deck work, Vision of Austerity. It's useless against skycrag aggro decks, but it wins games in every weak matchup. Unitless control relies on Azindel's Gift and Sword of the Sky King. It's also the best removal for Sword of Icaria, and Auric Runehammer. Any deck that relies on Mask of Torment will find themselves without ramp and a win-con. Xenan Obelisk is demolished. Flamestoker, Starsteel Daisho, Crown of Possibilities, Crystalline Chalice, and Shepherd's Horn can also win the game and have no other good removal. Control is notoriously weak to relics, and this single card solves most of that issue.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 4 1

Power Sources
13 17 11 12

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
12 20 21 9

Card Types
10 2 34 0 29

Contains Cards From Campaigns
The Tale of Horus Traver [Set1002]
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]


June 26, 2018


Eternal Version
Lieutenant Relia, New Client, General Fixes, Unit types

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goldstarbrother Edited Eternal Version: 1.35
Wow this is the best PJS control list I've seen. You're right that it's not super original (although how original can you really be with something like this), but the ratios are perfect and finding room for Visions is a pretty big deal. Thanks for posting this, it'll be my go-to control list, probably even after the new set drops. My only criticism is that it should be called "Purple Hooru", because the Shadow is more of a splash than the Justice (and because I really like Hooru).
Ez3kie1 Edited Eternal Version: 1.35
Having a few games were it struggles with the influence requirements and against TJP Midrange it has a real tough time with stand together. Any tips?
goldstarbrother Edited Eternal Version: 1.35
I've been playing this deck also and TJP does seem to be a hard matchup. Between Stand Together and Svetya they can interact with you really effectively so I think you just have to accept that that's going to be a bit of a tough one regardless of how you play it.

I haven't really had power issues though, but I also have a lot of experience with control (specifically PJS and Hooru) and I can say that there is a little skill to having all the power you need when you need it. Basically, hitting your power is the most important thing, which means you should prioritize keeping power with Strategize and Scout. As long as you can keep surviving you'll win eventually so don't worry too much about sending wincons to the bottom if you need power (or answers). In a vacuum getting PP is your highest priority followed by J and S, then JJ, then PPPP, but this may change a little depending on the draw. Always throw away opening hands that have 2 power (unless it also has 2-3 Seeks), and unless a 3 power hand has a bunch of cards you can play with those power and nothing else, probably don't keep it either. And remember that sometimes you're just going to get screwed no matter what, you might be playing it just fine and getting unlucky.

As for TJP my main tips would be to play around Mirror Image by getting rid of Svetya ASAP, and to try to bait out Stand Together. Sometimes you have to just hope they don't have it, but a lot of the time you can do things like try to remove something with Hailstorm to bait out Stand in response (so all the Aegis's get popped at once), or having two removals to use in a turn. Another thing to keep in mind is they have basically no reach so you can afford to go down to 1 against them as long as they don't have any units. If they have units you risk them using Stand or Finest Hour to push through the extra bit of damage (especially with Aegis-less Shelterwings out), but they don't have weapons, charge units, or any kind of damaging spells so as long as the board is clear you don't have to worry about your life total.
Ez3kie1 Eternal Version: 1.35
This was exactly what I was after, thank you for the extremely detailed reply! Really appreciate you taking the time to write it. I think I was prioritising the influence wrong, and the tips on trying to deal with TJP completely make sense.
goldstarbrother Edited Eternal Version: 1.35
No problem, glad I could help! There's a lot of intricacy to control decks like this but you'll pick up a lot of stuff just by paying attention to what you could've done differently. A lot of times you'll realize that you could've lasted a few more turns and maybe turned it around if you hadn't made some small mistake. Getting a good winrate is all about making as few mistakes as possible, even if those mistakes don't matter a lot of the time.

A couple more tips I thought of: If you can, use Seek Power before drawing or scouting, because sometimes it'll grab a Sigil from the top of your deck. And don't play power if your hand isn't full and you have at least 10 power because you want your hand to be as big as possible for Channel. You can stop at 8, but I like 10 because you can play Channel and a 3 drop in the same turn as long as you have an undepleted Sigil. Oh, and be as greedy as possible with the Waystones - face Aegis is really useful in most matchups. Good luck and have fun!