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The Order of a Thousand Faces

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve




Scourge of Frosthome revealed itself to be a must market card in this meta full of control decks with tons of spells.


Deck's changed a lot. Champion of Order is too weak to be the only unit in the deck so I decided to add some of my favourite Hooru units to help to mantain the board control until Korovyat Palace and Champion of Order are ready to be played. Now the deck seems a lot more stable.


Champion of Order is still one of my favorite cards ;) but the deck isn't a control deck anymore. I've added a lot of midrange-ish units because Korovyat Palace is a super strong card and can easily swing a game.
The first time I saw the new Shift ability I was super excited to try it on my dear Champion. The outcome is a bit... strange. I'd have expected every copied Champion to be shifted but this is not what happens. And I think is better this way!!
Just a few words on Xulta Loyalist: I think this card is a really interesting unit, playing her on turn 3-4 can provide high pressure in the early game and playing Korovyat Palace on the turn that Loyalist emerge is a blast.
See you guys!!


As suggested by Mauric here on EWC and by Hafglop on Reddit I tried Sword of the Sky King and yes, it feels perfect for my deck. Added 2 copies, one main deck and one in the market. Thank you guys!!


Hello everybody, Fanderay here, and today I'd like to share with you my Champion of Order deck.

The deck is entirely build over Champion of Order, one of my favorite card of the whole game.
Now let's spend a couple of words on this awesome unit. I love powerful cards with unique abilities and I think that Champion is easily capable to win games just by himself. Indeed, in this deck, he is our only win condition. Now, the other side of such a great power, is his weakness to removals, a lot of removals. But, what you might not know, is the interation between Champion and Aegis: if we Protect our beloved Champion in response to a removal or a silence, the Aegis will (obviously) dissolve but every copy generated by the Champion will have an active Aegis. And, to be honest, I think this is awesome!!
If you liked what I've said above we can see the general gameplan.
The idea is pretty simple: we want to control the game until we reach at least 7 power with 5J and 5P influences so we can play a Champion and Protect him. Depending on what deck your opponent is playing, you may choose to wait 9 power and have two Protects. Furthermore, Protect is fast and this must not be underestimated. You can just wait and see what your opponent is doing before giving the Aegis. One last important thing: Protect could be more important than Champion. If you think your opponent could play more than a removal in the same turn don't waste your Protect but wait for another Champion.
All the other cards are here just to draw and control. Relic Weapons and units with Killer are a huge problem. I'll try to find a solution.
I'm playing this list on D3 with decent success.

As always, any suggestion will be much appreciated ;)
Hope you like the idea and give my list a try.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 3

Power Sources
19 22 16

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
16 19 22 18

Card Types
25 6 20 4 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
The Tale of Horus Traver [Set1002]
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]
Homecoming [Set1005]

Combo Midrange

October 22, 2019

January 25, 2019


Eternal Version
The Flame of Xulta

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL

Revisions (Since last major patch) October 22, 2019



Kaao Eternal Version: 1.42.3
Cool take on control, gonna give it a try. Btw what's your thoughts on Quicksilver Mirror in the market for MAXIMUM REPRODUCTION?
Fanderay Eternal Version: 1.42.3
Replication level over 9000!!
anyway, a bit too much don't you think? and quicksilver mirror is primal, not justice.
Kaao Eternal Version: 1.42.3
But blue merchant isn't better than the green one? The only reason i see to run green merchant is Harsh rule... But i think you should run 4 main deck anyway. You can run unseal and Sudden Schism if you think Mirror is too much
mauric Eternal Version: 1.42.3
Oh damn this is awesome!! Nice take on a control deck and a very cool win con. I'll try this out later and let you know how it goes!
mauric Edited Eternal Version: 1.42.3
my first thoughts are to remove champion from the market. you have more then enough draw to find it. unless it's in the market to protect from frogs / in cold blood? in which case i get the logic but i'm think that in the current meta it's not that common ? I imagine the win percentage would go up fractionally more by including unseal or gavel? loads of vara's around atm and gavel would help maintain card advantage. Unseal for stopping grasping at shadows / spells aimed at the champ.

or swap it for a SoTSK for a back up plan?

Fanderay Eternal Version: 1.42.3
Just edited my list. I've added two SotSK as you have suggested. It's perfect for my deck. Thanks for the suggestion!!
Fanderay Eternal Version: 1.42.3
i'm glad you like the deck.

champion and protect are both in the market just because I had a lot of games with this list and losing one or two champions and/or protects is quite common so, in this case, you need more help to draw another one of the key cards. Beside, protecting champion from frogs/cold blood is something i never needed but well... why not consider also this case?

unseal. i've considered it and the first version of this list was with the primal merchant and unseal instead of protect. you may try to use it if you prefer but i think aegis is way better.

sword of the sky king is a great idea. i will surely consider it.
mauric Eternal Version: 1.42.3
Well that all makes sense. sudden schism or mirror image or quick silver mirror could all be useful in here somehow too.

I think schism would be the best as it would allow you to 2 for 1 your opponents when they waste to spells to kill your champ and you duplicate it. basically a game winning move?
goldstarbrother Eternal Version: 1.42.3
I haven'y tried this deck yet, but I have played champ of order decks. If you get the champ out with the right influence and they can't kill it that turn, you pretty much win. So Schism could be good, but you'd have to wait for 9 power for it to really work because if you play champ and it lives, you almost certainly win and Schism won't be helpful. And the deck has very few units so it'll just be dead a lot of the time, Unseal and Protect probably do the same thing but better.
Fanderay Eternal Version: 1.42.3
i'm not sure how sudden schism works with a dissolved aegis. if the copied unit has the active aegis could be interesting and very well worth trying
mauric Eternal Version: 1.42.3
copied unit has aegis. but gold star has a point, it might not give you that much advantage as you'll need 9 power. probably better off with unseal in hand rather then schism