Ramp or hunt to play time chonkers for the win. There's a suite of early-game flexibility to deal with most decks that are faster than you.
Ancient Stoneshell sits very well in the current meta. It's highly vulnerable to silence, but stands up great to damage based removal and can't be stunned.
If you start seeing a lot of silence, dial back Stoneshell, probably for more ants.
Swift Subverter whiffs a lot, but it does hit key cards in the meta like Lipa,
Calm Instructor, Wasp, Patrice and others. It's probably the first card to trim if you're looking to make some cuts in your cheap cards. Another Borderlands Lookout could be good. Bazaar Trickster is very threatening to the Hooru hunt decks that don't carry a lot of removal. There's definitely room here to tune who should be a 2-, 3-, or 4-of. Be aware that for certain cards like Subverter and Delivery, the second one you draw is usually not as good as the first. I like to keep those kinds of cards at 3-of or less, but you do you.
Led Astray definitely belongs in the market, even though you've never seen anyone play it. It's a tempo-buster that speedbumps your opponent while you get to the meat of your deck. Hesitate is not reliably useful, but when it does swing, it swings BIG. You bop the Save the Day, Rift Disaster, or LIving Reflection back to their hand, and sure, they can cast it next turn, but next turn may be too late. I remain happy with it. However, I haven't done a painstaking creep through all the possible market cards, maybe you'll find something better.
Also, if you're feeling really adventurous, I've thought about lightly splashing justice for
Dran the Farmer and
Sky Savior for more ramp and silence. Not sure it would be a plus but I may try it out during the rest of the month.