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The Time for Greed

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve




This deck performs fairly well in Throne and Gauntlet in the current meta.

Disclosure up front: if you have to craft more than a few cards for this deck, and you're looking for something top-tier, you should try something else. This deck is crazy expensive, and I wouldn't expect it to come in 1st in any tournaments. It's fun, and it's good, but it's not good enough to justify going broke.

This deck is playing on a few ideas I'll cover below. TLDR: It's built around Grodov's Burden with deadly/killer/recurring units, and an early Ubsat the Savior.


Teacher of Humility and Amaran Stinger are excellent together. Twilight hunt also triggers nightfall, so a hit with Teacher can be very strong. Because of the new Time Symbol, you can more consistently play Teacher on turn 2, even when warping Seal of Devotion. Initiate of the Sands makes teacher possible even with depleted power on 2. So this strategy ends up being fairly consistent.

Ubsat the Savior is exceptionally strong. Because of Time symbol, he's possible on turn 4, which hoses your opponent's entire hand. The lifegain is nice, but with the ubiquity of Milos, Rebel Bomber, it's not always ideal. Play him as early as possible to silence your opponent's big threats.

Auralian Merchant combined with Time Etchings means your market is basically always in your hand. Feel free to throw away one time etchings early (without going to market) if you need the power. Your market pull will almost always be the Grodov's Burden, because relic hate is uncommon in the current meta, and it means your units are basically impervious to being killed by spot removal. Most of the time, the card you trade into the market will be a power. After burden, I usually pull Talir.

Most of the bigger units are just greed. Alhed's otherwise never-used ability actually combos pretty well with Grodov's Burden to immediately triple the stats of any of your units (1 to Alhed, and 2 to the unit).

The Praxis Arcanum allows you to attack with smaller units in the lategame by making them deadly, but more importantly, deadly and overwhelm combo extremely well together. Since it gives a unit charge, it never costs you a tempo. You could cut these for something else, but I'm fond of them.

Dawnwalker is your most desirable target for Twlight Hunt, because she recurs almost every turn, but you shouldn't wait around for it. Both cards operate very well independently. Worldbearer Behemoth is your other ideal target, for what should be obvious reasons, followed by Sandstorm Titan, for different (but equally obvious) reasons.

Grodov's Burden and Dawnwalker (as well as deadly/killer units) is pretty crazy. If you can make that happen, and it doesn't bring joy to your heart, you should finally make that appointment with a therapist your girlfriend keeps pushing for.

Pure Greed

* Alhed, Mount Breaker,
* Talir, Who Sees Beyond,
* Thundering Kerasaur
* You, for playing this deck.


* Initiate of the Sands
* The Praxis Arcanum
* Worldbearer Behemoth
* Your hopes and dreams... just kidding. They're never going to get you anywhere.

Card Draw / Card Advantage

* Twilight Hunt (sort of... let's just pretend)
* Teacher of Humility (I'm very good at pretend)
* Worldbearer Behemoth
* Grodov's Stranger
* Grodov's Burden
* Seal of Devotion
* Thundering Kerasaur (just kidding, he's not even in this deck anymore)

Board Control / Removal

* Ubsat the Savior
* Twilight Hunt
* Amaran Stinger / The Praxis Arcanum
* Grodov's Burden (when spellcrafted)
* Sandstorm Titan
* Passage of Eons
* Your stuff is bigger than theirs

Let's try to stay alive

* Amber Waystone
* Ubsat the Savior
* Amaran Stinger
* Saber-Tooth Prideleader
* Did I mention that your stuff is bigger than theirs?

What should I market for?

Almost always Grodov's Burden. It acts as removal AND limits the effectiveness of removal, which are your two weaknesses (...aside from your dull personality).

I usually pull Talir second, because by the time I've hit 8 power and marketed twice, my opponent is short on removal, and filling the board is deadly.

I try to save Passage of Eons unless I REALLY need it, because it's my only source of relic hate and after-summon silence effects.

Thundering Kerasaur is ( used to be) in there for spell heavy decks, but you need to play it after your opponent is out of removal. Ideally, you want them to play a bunch of spells to search for removal to kill it, which will net you a couple cards before they find a solution. It has reverse-synergy with The Praxis Arcanum, so try to avoid that. It's also in the market as a trigger for the old Talir. JUST KIDDING, I removed it.

I want to remove stuff, what should it be?

Well aren't you rude. This deck is perfect. Leave it alone.

Okay fine. You can start with The Praxis Arcanum. The ramp is often not too helpful, except in games where you're lagging behind, and then it usually dies before it actually helps. Keep in mind that it's your only consistent source of deadly, which is your only source of removal.

The new Talir is greedy even for a greedy deck. I'd cut her before I'd cut the site. Damnit... I messed up my list already. Can I start over? Whatever. If you're attacking with Talir, you're winning and don't need her... and if you're not attacking with Talir, her ability doesn't trigger. (I removed her for you, so you don't have to!)

Pit of Lenekta can definitely go. It's usually my 3rd market pick, and if I still need a wincon by then, I might as well just accept this isn't working out. It's still a lot of fun, though.

Alhed, Mount Breaker would be my last nomination. He only has an impact when he sticks, and he usually doesn't attack. He's just so much fun when he DOES stick that I enjoy playing with him.

What should I replace those cards with?

Probably Saber Tooth Prideleader or Gnash, Desert Prince... except I updated the list and added them already. So there goes all my suggestions.

Touvon, Skybreak Giant is also fun, because the ambush is kind of like removal. But that would be greedy again, and you probably shouldn't do it.

Mulligan Strategy

Counting Time Etchnigs as a power, you should toss most hands that have one or two power, or more than 4. Three is ideal. Keep in mind that you have warping power in the deck, and double-time power, so hitting your power and influence base is a little easier than you might expect. Also, because of essentially 8 merchants, you can address flooding a little easier than usual. When in doubt, err on the side of "being able to play stuff" over "having stuff to play".

How do I make this less expensive?

You don't.

Other advice you didn't ask for

Don't hold back early threats. Teacher of Humility always gets played on 2; if she dies, she dies. You'll be very happy when you draw into an Amaran Stinger on turn 3, and manage to hit with one of them you didn't expect to.

Teacher and Stinger both get used as market fodder after a few turns, assuming your opponent is actually playing units. Even still, I find myself always using power.

DO hold back some bigger units against justice decks. This deck has some card draw, but a bad board wipe can ruin your whole day. The general advice is to play one more unit than they have, so a harsh rule doesn't earn them card advantage. If you're winning, leave the board alone.

Play Ubsat before combat, to get rid of ambush units. If you've already played an Ubsat recently, hold additional copies back until you see multiple card draw. When they play honor of claws, then it's time for the 2nd Ubsat. Keep in mind that you have very little "spot removal", so silencing things before they hit the board is a big deal.

Be kind to strangers. To them, you're also a stranger.

Fliers are tough. Place a lot of value on Sandstorm Titan against justice, shadow and primal decks. Oh, and fire. Some might say that's basically every faction, but they'd be wrong. In practice, this means you should play big threats other than sandstorm titan first, to bait out removal. Then play titan later. I'll usually play my first copy on 4, but any other copies stay firmly planted in my hand.

If you can give anything charge, give it to something that draws you cards when attacking.

Tell your Mom I said hi. She's a lovely woman. (...and if she's not, cut her out of your life. You don't need that kind of negativity holding you back!)

Thanks for reading. Have a good one!


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements

Power Sources
21 4

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
12 7 24 24

Card Types
42 1 9 3 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Jekk's Bounty [Set1001]
Trials of Grodov [Set1006]


June 26, 2020


Eternal Version
Argent Depths

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL

Revisions (Since last major patch) June 26, 2020



BHV Eternal Version: 20.06.26
What do you think of Desert Alchemist? Seems like a pretty solid list and I might try it out.
Avranu Eternal Version: 20.06.26
I think it's an excellent card in the right deck. I don't know if this is the right deck for it (at least in the current meta). It basically helps control the board through combat, but the hope in this deck is that your units will be bigger than your opponent's units, and combined with deadly units, you should already have control of the board through combat.

The deck is a little weak to agro, and is particularly weak to stonescar agro. Desert Alchemist helps a little with the former, but not a lot with the latter, due to quickdraw and overwhelm units.

Feel free to try him out, though! If he works out, let me know! :)