So, this is what I'd call a pretty stock turbo Grodov's stranger praxis list. You have a bunch of ramp dorks (one of which is Ramba), a set of cat, and then 3 farms and 4 grodov's stranger so you can turbo him out ASAP. HotV because HotV with ramp is still decent (though feels like a shadow of its former self), and killer stranger is OP as hell, especially with farm to cycle used up killer strangers.
Purify in here because torch wasn't enough unit-agnostic interaction, and because Chacha is an absolute murder machine if you don't answer her, and this is Praxis's best answer.
Market is basically a killer effect, gnash 2 for flyers, behemoth if you need something to do, distillation for raw gas, and Kairos because Kairos.
I was having a hard time believing that raw 25 power is correct, but I kept flooding with 3 seek powers. And then it hit me that Grodov's stranger gets you a bunch more power because OPOP.
So yeah. Praxis granger. AKA Praxis midrange. Just now even more mindless.
Any thoughts on flame blast or flash fire here? I've been using 2 of the latter in expedition praxis as a backup finisher, since once Granger does his thing you have all the influence ,but I'm not sure if either card is really playable in Throne.
Last dumb question (I promise): What would you cut for Grodov's Burden in market, if anything? Worldbearer Behemoth strikes me as a logical cut, but most of the time I've played Burden it's been as a win-more card and I'm not sure that's a smart replacement here.