The Deck is hard to play, but after some games you can handle it better.
Ideally you want Crown in your starting hand. And don't want any echo card. Start the game as if you are playing something like feln, stalling the board until you put down
Crown of Possibilities.
One can ask why no
Nesting Avisaur I played with it a lot of games and it's too slow for his effect and body. It can be cleared too easily.
Yetipult Black-Sky Harbinger - They added as an answer against aggro decks as well as against aegis units. Last game I won against Icaria Blue popping aegis and using deathstrike to Icaria. And also If they get deadly They become one sided
Harsh Rule with body. Don't hesitate to copy them with
Twinning Ritual against aggro decks, even without crown. They win games against them.
Control match-ups aren't that hard because of huge card advantage and removals. Most hard is against Makto deck but I didn't see them lately, others seems reasonable.
Can't explain all things because of my bad English, so good luck!