The deck formed from a shell of an old, bad FJS revenge shell I had in my deck folder. The idea was to use revenge units alongside Dark Return, Display of Ambition, and maybe even Blueprints to loop value units. The downside is that most revenge units kinda suck. So the deck evolved into a variant where we are playing a lot of strong units on their own that you want to recur over and over. Beetle gets larger every time, Fear Tracker can be your reach to end the game, Guerillas can eventually be unleashed more later on. Deathwing is, well, Deathwing. Some of the revenge units stayed. And you can go up to 4 on Stonepowder Alchemist if you want. The rest of the shell is just solid removal and Eavesdrop to counter Eavesdrop (I wish this card had never been printed honestly). The market is pretty solid. The questionable bit here is the powerbase in coordination with Blueprints. Play around with that and see what you can do.