Decided to update my old 4f Mask deck, this is the first result that I've been grinding ladder with. Holding it's own in the mid-60's% so far. As soon as I finish settling on a list I'll start keeping track of my mu and wr data more carefully.
A few notes that I might expand upon later:
- I'm debating whether to switch to Great Vally Smuggler or Ebon Dune Smuggler. EDS would give me access to spot removal like Annihilate or Corruption, GVS would give me access to Rejection among other cards. Hidden Road Smuggler doesn't seem very good for this deck in terms of the Market but I have to think about it a bit more.
- I still want to tweak the powerbase a bit since you can occasionally run into instances where you want PS or TS for example. It'll probably be a bit tricky getting it down though since I'm currently running Find the Way.
- Yes, the current list has 79 cards.
- If the meta speeds up I'm considering running Hurlers which would be switched for the 1-of Relics, and possibly Idea. But the meta would have to shift pretty drastically to do all of that. Also would consider cutting ANT for Marshal/Banish in-market.
- If the meta stays more grindy Midrange or Control I'm considering cutting the Hailstorms entirely and running Marshals or Feeding Time.