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Kerendon Midrange (Silver to Diamond)

Throne Deck By


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A deck I made just because I happen to have all these cards. It's been a blast to play.

The basic idea is we can kill almost anything with slay and avigraft and because of Vara we are not scared of aegis. It plays alot like AP midrange but we have access to disjunction to get rid of opposing Avigraft and redraw our own Avigrafts.

I opened 4 Moonstone Vanguard and really dig the card. It's been great when it goes unanswered. Vara and Sandstorm Titan can survive Windy peaks when it comes down because of there 6 health and are just good beat sticks.

The mini combo of Ripknife and Xenan Initiation has killed a lot of big thing in a pinch. Sabotage and disjunction helps us play around avigraft and other removal and troublesome cards out there.

Deck eats aggro decks alive because of the lifgain and removal. Midrange decks have also been a breeze of we get some threats down first and we get to back them up with Removal and Xenan initiation.

Card draw isn't so great in this deck but Fenris Nightshade does what he can along with Vanguard. They are great at drawing cards but they need to stay on the board and there is alot of removal out there for them.

My market is a bit of a mess since I do not have alot of cards. I'd rather have Cudgel in there instead of Vanquishes blade. Although I haven't come up against alot of scream decks.

The rest of the market has been pretty solid tho. Azindels has won me some Grindy games and xenan temple has been surprisingly good Vs other midrange decks when there is a bit of a boardstall because we get to play xenan initiation. Although I think It can be replaced with a Regents Tomb probably.

Sorry for the messy write up! Please take the deck for a spin and let me know what Ganges to make or if there are any better cards out there. My eternal knowledge is pretty limited.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 2 2

Power Sources
14 13 14 16

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Deck Rarities
10 19 32 10

Card Types
25 5 24 1 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]
Into Shadow [Set1004]


January 8, 2019


Eternal Version

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ABadMagicPlayer100 Eternal Version: 1.42.2
Looks sweet. In general though, it's probably better to play Vanquish over Avigraft. With all the Peak decks you really want to make sure you can reliably kill Rizahn. I'll be playing this at some point in the near future. Off the top of my head I would be inclined to try 2x Initiation, 2x Avigraft, 4x Vanquish, 4x Slay as your removal suite. I'd probably also play Banish instead of Disjunction in the main deck, and find something else to fill that market slot.