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Draw 500 cards = defeat screen

Gauntlet Deck By


Cost Curve




I want to create a deck around Riddle Game since a long time.
This one is... something...

It's actually not a playable deck (mostly because turns can takes more than 30 minutes...). It's mostly a challenge deck :
- How many cards can you draw with a single card ?
RESULT : More than 500 but the game broke... I will talk about it later ^^'.
- How many cards a deck can contains ?
RESULT : I don't know... I was hoping to reach 400 during the game that bugged : 250 was in my void and 150 in my deck. Just need to play the Lumen Reclaimer but I didn't have the time... I might try again but as I said, games are loooooong whith that list...

How to play it :

Not a lot to say. You try to play Journey Guide early.
Then you draw as much as possible without having to pay for it : nightfall, Sodi, Eager Offering, Nocturnal Observer, Dragon's eye(Curiox)... Like this you can easily draw at least 5 cards with the Riddle Game (at the beginning of the game, you will draw more with it later).
Use the market to get some relics to trigger muster sodi and restore your power.
Finally, do not forget to use you last merchant to get the Lumen Reclaimer before to deck yourself ^^.
When the Lumen is in the deck, you will start duplicate it until having a deck that is almost only Lumen Reclaimer. Also if you have the Crown of possibilities, copies will collect skills.

That's it. Just draw, draw and draw...

Tips :

Try to play most units of your hand, even if your board is full and if it means to sacrify an unit. You have to make some room in your hand to avoid to discard all good stuff due to the hand limitation.

You will probably quickly full your board but, as I said, you have to play your stuff ! What you sacrify to do it is important :
If it's a turn that have the potential to continue for ever, sacrify Sodi if you already have use the muster. Same for the Nocturnal Observer if it's exausted. Sacrify them give you a change to put them back in the deck with a Reclaimer and draw them again in the same turn.
Be carefull when sacrifying a unit that have exalt (from Crown). It's a good way to trigger the muster of Sodi but you don't want to trigger it while you still have some power.
Do not sacrify to many Reclaimer. If your deck become a mess of Reclaimer, it will be hard to find other stuff.

The bug :

So when you start chainning Riddle Game you will draw A LOT. In fact you will discard all of it because hand limitation ^^'...
That's how I started to draw more than 500 cards. I can't remenber the exact number but since my deck was only containing something like 150 cards it doesn't matter if it's 500 or 600 cards. When I come back on the game (I was AFK because drawing that many cards is boring to see), a defeat screen :'( but no lose in Gauntlet O_o ??? I can't remember if my progression in the Gauntlet have changed : don't know what was my win count before. Maybe it counts as a win and I bored to death the AI ?

Finally :

DO NOT PLAY THAT DECK ! It's boring as hell ! However, if you are in a country where you have to stay at home, #coronavirus, you can try to beat my records (try to draw more than 500 cards) with that deck or with an other. Have fun ... or not ... ;)


Main changes are :
- A Packbeast that help to make some room in your hand.
- An Emblem of Grodov that can provide an exalt unit to trigger Sodi.

I did it again !
This time I was starting drawing 620 (but my deck was containing only 268 cards). And... same result ! While I was drawing something like the 100th card, the defeat screen appeared... But I confirm, it's concidered as a win ! I have checked my game history and it's a win !


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 3

Power Sources
19 19 13

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
19 20 17 13

Card Types
47 4 4 0 25


April 26, 2020

April 21, 2020


Eternal Version
Whispers of the Throne

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL

Revisions (Since last major patch) April 25, 2020



SkotidasVas Eternal Version: 1.51.6 are a riddle!
KeithPelig Eternal Version: 1.51.6
The meme is strong with this one. Love it <3
Aaaaaaaaa Eternal Version: 1.51.6
Nice deck!