Hi, I'm quite a new player of Eternal. I've being playing for about 3 or 4 months, but never tried to rank up in ranked.
I'm a f2p player, which means that I need to spend my shiftstone very carefully.
So, for all of those that are in my same situation, here's a proof that with a little dedication you can reach your premium legendary card!
Nothing really new in the list, I tried to fulfill the voids of
Vadius, Clan Father,
Soulfire Drake and 4th
Obliterate with what I have, and the ensemble works pretty nicely.
As a rule of thumb, your're the aggressor. You end your resource, you most of the time loose the grindy match if the opponent is not very low.
Piece of advice, if you have the choice, smashing the opponent in the face with
Censari Brigand is most of the time the correct play.
Enjoy fast and aggro games!