"Playable Combrei 1-drops? In my Expedition format?"
A Combrei beatdown deck with a very low curve. Redraw hands without 1- or 2-drops. Don't hesitate to cash in your Inscribe cards for Empower triggers on District Infantry and Resolute Monk. Discard Iron Priestess to Steyer's Eyes to get a free 2/2 weapon. Prioritize playing your other 1-drops before Waystone Ignitor, since Contracting on turn 1 skips your next turn.
The ShiftstonedEternal Power Calculator is a deck-building tool that visualizes your odds of drawing enough Influence and Power based specifically on the cards found in your deck.
Deck Rarities
12 21 20 4
Card Types
40 3 7 0 25
Contains Cards From Campaigns
Hour of Glass [Set1115]
November 23, 2021
November 22, 2021
Eternal Version
Cold Hunt
BBCode For Comments
Deck URL
Revisions (Since last major patch) November 23, 2021
I hadn't considered Waystone Ignitor (probably because I didn't have any in my collection). After some testing, I think Ignitor works best as a replacement for Auric Record Keeper. It can be tricky to find 3 power to fit Record Keeper into the curve, while Ignitor can be played along with a 2-drop on turn 3, for example. The Inscribe 5-drops are needed for hitting Empower procs, and I'd rather not cut 1-drops because playing Ignitor on turn 1 isn't ideal. I am really liking Ignitor thus far, so thank you for your suggestion.
Just wanted to say thanks for sharing your deck.
I reached Masters after a stagnating week in D1 with other decks.
Iconically the last damage which won my game to masters has been an inscribed Resolute Monk :)
Best regards
Did you consider adding Waystone Ignitor?
Seem to fit in an Aggro deck like this.
Maybe in exchange of your 2 Entrancer and 2 of your 5 drops?
Best regards
Sounds reasonable to me I'll try your deck with the inclusion of the Ignitor.
Best regards