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Black Death

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve




Back in the 1990ies I was a huge MTG player. One of the most devastating Magic decks from that time period was a deck called a Underworld Dreams hand denial deck. With Black Vice, The Rack, Hypnotic Spectres, the deck was incredible.

Well this is not MTG. With the latest expansion mill decks are very possible. So in remembrance of my old type 1 Underworld Dreams MTG deck from the 90ies. I made this deck. Nothing better than improving a card/game mechanic to demolish your opponent.

I put in more than normal card draw. To make sure you get the cards you need.

This deck uses heavy removal and some part Feln for survival and attack.

This deck uses some mill which you can win with. But its main feature is a combo. Which together devastates a opponent.
The use Black Iron Manacles ,s and Solitude is completely horrid for a opponent. Besides the manacles not being nice to begin with. The ability to mill a opponent to death without having to use up his entire deck is very nice.

I put in two Unexpected Results for the sole purpose of taking out relic removal cards. Or any other card that you believe may be a big threat. This deck uses multiple ways to take out a opponent. It is also very fun to play.

If you find any improvements let me know.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
1 2 2

Power Sources
14 14 15 18

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
19 25 17 7

Card Types
9 4 37 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
The Tale of Horus Traver [Set1002]


January 3, 2018

January 2, 2018


Eternal Version
The Dusk Road

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL

Revisions (Since last major patch) January 3, 2018



kaveth Edited Eternal Version: 1.27
Have a version I am quite happy with, have a sideboard included for things I swap in and out depending on how the meta feels. Feln Manacles
Biggest issues I ran into were lack of face aegis vs control decks, fixed by Eilyn's Favor and Cobalt Waystone, lack of ability to break aegis to get manacles or solitude to stick or otherwise kill a pesky threat, fixed by Vara's Favor and a bit of an issue in general vs big midrange type decks. May consider changing main deck Unexpected Results to Rain of Frogs, but had a victory against temporal where I turned 3 copies of Channel the Tempest into bombs, was delightful and want to experience that again.

Thank you for sharing the deck!
Nefariousdolly Eternal Version: 1.27
LOL, talk about a meta changer. While this is not the perfect deck. Every opponent it beats wants to know what it is :-D Friends already making variants of this deck mechanic in their decks. Happy Times!!
Nefariousdolly Eternal Version: 1.27
As well as a additional Solitude :-D
Nefariousdolly Eternal Version: 1.27
Made a couple adjustments. Added another Champion, dropped Azindels, and put in a couple of Dreamcatchers.
WanYao Eternal Version: 1.27
Dr. Frankenstein is at it again...

m3tal Eternal Version: 1.27
I would for sure drop second sight for quary
kaveth Eternal Version: 1.27
Tried quarry instead of second sight, it makes the power base straight awful.