Pretty simple deck idea inspired by old Magic decks of the same idea called 8 rack that focused on making opponents discard until they were empty-handed. Unfortunately we don't really have a good relic that hurts opponents for having no cards or discarding (
Black Iron Manacles just sucks) so the plan is to rip our opponents' hands apart and then beat down with big dumb 5/5 beaters in
Prism Golem and
Marionette Cross instead. A perfect curve is often the 1 mana discard unit spell >
Exploit > 3 drop beater > 4 drop bigger beater. Also, unlike almost every other deck in Eternal and most other card games, you usually want to lose the coinflip and go on the draw to start the hand shredding. 4
Star Charts also encourages this.
I've tinkered with this deck in the past, but with the release of
Ziat, Steelwarren Reeve also discarding and being a threat,
Feed the Hecaton being a great tempo 2 for one removal spell, and
Furious Accusation to gas back up, this might be viable as a ok Tier 3ish deck.
Good matchups include combo decks (since we disrupt them pretty hard) and midrange decks lacking face aegis. Aggro is mostly even and control decks lacking units are usually bad, but not impossible if you can snipe key pieces and beat them down quick. Relic decks are also bad matchups, but you can sub in Wildland Scavenging if you run into them a lot.
All the sideboard cards are choices to sub in and play with (devour is kind of the wildcard slot so I'd suggest cutting that first).