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Echo Recyclers (budget)

Expedition Deck By


Cost Curve




Saw a similar deck in Time/Shadow that I thought was missing some very important Primal cards.

The basic idea of this deck is to give your echo cards Exalted and/or Revenge and then draw a critical mass of them. The deck is somewhat slow, but very versatile and good at breaking parity with card advantage. Just about every spell in the deck is a draw-2 so don't be afraid to trade early and often as the game goes on.

If you're playing against a slower midrange deck without an air presence start slamming Clockroaches until you can finish them off with a few Thunderstrike Dragons or a mob of Pteriax Hatchlings. If they do have an air presence, play the hatchlings early and make early trades to set up for your critical mass turns.

Control heavy decks usually die to our faster draws, but the trick is to realize what you're going up against early and then prioritize board presence over setup. Once they start slamming legends, however its going to be tough to win. Dragons are a good example of this. We want to get in their face to make them trade creatures with us later. Always always always kill the guy who gives their boys lifelink.

Aggro is usually fine. The variant we have the most trouble with is the unseen deck. They can get bigger than us so the trick is to mass a bunch of aerial threats with exalted to make their turns worse. Still favored, but only slightly. Save your Banish for the guy who has double damage.

The most powerful interaction in this deck is the echo creatures getting the revenge mechanic. When drawn, both copies will have destiny, meaning you'll draw two cards and both copies will go onto the field. However, if you have too many cards in hand both copies will be discarded instead, so it's very important to manage your hand size late in the game.

This is a fairly interaction-light deck and the power management can be rough at times, so I can not stress enough how important it is to trade early and often.

Expedition Information


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 3 1

Power Sources
15 17 9 16

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
26 27 12 1

Card Types
20 5 25 0 25


April 26, 2020


Eternal Version
Whispers of the Throne

BBCode For Comments

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PincoPallo01 Eternal Version: 20.07.27
Nice and fun deck :)
I suppose the Elysian Insignas are meant to be Elysian Banners
Smiguli Eternal Version: 1.51.6
I only casually play this in bronze/silver but I'm having lots of fun with it none the less. Thanks a bunch for a budget deck option.