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Rank 4 Yeti Combo 50-14 Masters Record

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve




With the release of Repel Darkness comes a revival of one of my favorite combo decks, the twist combo. In this particular version we are trying to assemble a 3 card combo of Stained Honor, Belligerent Yeti, and Repel Darkness. Stained honor reduces our Belligerent Yeti's twist cost to 0, and Repel Darkness makes our yeti unable to die, so we can twist him as many times as needed to ping our opponent to death.

Standard avenue to victory is to chew through the deck with Evenhanded Golem and company, get to 6 power and then drop all 3 combo pieces from hand on the same turn. Aymar, Dark Summoner allows us to accelerate that plan allowing us to combo completely out of hand on turn 4 or as early as turn 3 if we expose the Aymar on turn 2. The curse that the opponent plays from Aymar gives us a window to repel our yeti before the curse hits him, so he lives and twists and kills our opponent.

The market for me so far has been mostly two cards. Last Chance and Curtain Call. Curtain call in the market gives us a backup plan to finding repel darkness in the maindeck. Last chance is great for recovering exploited combo pieces or just for grabbing back dead grenahens to dig a little further and chump one more time. The other three spots all seem very flexible. I currently have Razorquill in there as a "double" for yeti, though you do need two honors on board to make this infinite, but, sometimes that's how the deck spits the cards out and you see multiple honors and no yeti. Then Sinister Rumors for a flexible 2nd dark return that can sometimes be bad Suffocate. And finally Sabotage as a way to preemptively fight fast interaction that trainwrecks the combo turn.

So, if you really like mouse clicking and/or screen tapping, this is the deck for you. At a generous rate of three clicks per 1 point of damage once the combo is assembled, you can reasonably expect to be clicking 60-80 times upon piecing together the combo. Less clicks required if your dorks have gone face or if your opponent gives you the respect concede.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 1 2

Power Sources
14 14 15 18

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
18 35 20

Card Types
35 0 20 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Into Shadow [Set1004]
Stormbreak [Set1107]
Hour of Glass [Set1115]


July 31, 2021

July 27, 2021


Eternal Version
Hour of Glass

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL

Revisions (Since last major patch) July 31, 2021



Kaarchin Eternal Version: 21.09.23
I may be not comprehending this right, but how can Evenhanded Golem works with Aymar in the desk?
Should we wait to have to Aymar on the board before playing the Golem ?
Shenaniganry Eternal Version: 21.11.18
It doesn't work anymore. Aymar used to cost 2 and stained honor used to cost 2. The deck was crackers good and they nerfed pieces.
yardglass Eternal Version: 21.07.21
Well it was fun while it lasted at least :(
miaovenwinter Edited Eternal Version: 21.07.21
Just a heads up for those that don't know about this feature: In instances where opposing players won't concede, there's a method to skip remaining animations after lethal. Once you get quick at clicking, you'll reach a point where you'll have queued up enough Belligerent Yeti twists to kill; you'll know when this is when the Ability button no longer shows on BY and it gives you an error message instead. At this point, you can open the Pause/Escape menu and press Concede. The server recognizes that the opponent is already dead at the point at which the final twist is queued, and instead of conceding yourself, the opponent's health explodes and the match immediately ends. This skips any twist animations left over (this broadly works in any scenario when a player is determined to be dead through attacks, spells, or other means). I'm pretty sure this works both for PvP and Gauntlet.
yardglass Eternal Version: 21.07.21
I've been very much enjoying playing with this deck, thanks!
YurickYu Eternal Version: 21.07.21
Shenaniganry Edited Eternal Version: 21.07.21
Glimpse makes our openers worse by being another card that can't be played on 2. And also, we've got no packbeasts or bounces for a packbeast, so in my experience, you never got nearly as far into the deck as you would have hoped because power will just brick you and you would have rather just had a unit that could draw one card by itself and then chump once. And finally, it lowers our grenahits because I feel like I would need to cut my worst 4 units over any of the spells.

EDIT: That all being said, I could totally see there being a glimpse version of the combo and it being viable/better than this version.
Sabriel Eternal Version: 21.07.21
Just took this deck for a spin and went 0-7. Several games I just didn't find one of the combo pieces, and the seventh game I found them all and went off but my opponent was at 40 and I timed out before I could click through enough times to kill them. I lost the following turn. How on earth did you win 30 times?
Shenaniganry Edited Eternal Version: 21.07.21
And as for your question of turn timer, you don't have to wait for the animations to finish to keep clicking yeti. As fast as you can click yeti -> click ability box -> click face it will queue the animations up. You do not need to wait for animations to finish to queue up more abilities. So you'll click your yeti and their face a million times as fast as you can and then eventually your opp will be dead to queued up damage and it will lock you out. And then you just have to sit there and watch all the animations that were queued until the moment your opp died or conceded.
Shenaniganry Eternal Version: 21.07.21
Added some additional context to my initial reply for you.
Shenaniganry Edited Eternal Version: 21.07.21
I would say one of the most important things about this deck is the redraw phase. You have to redraw aggressively. If your hand has no golems or combo pieces, it's very likely a redraw. I go to 6 more often with this deck than most others because this deck is more capable than others of drawing out of a card deficit to start the game. Typically, I'm looking to see how many combo pieces and what kind of "velocity" my opening hand has. Think of velocity in terms of, over the first few turns, how many additional cards am I going to be able to see? Keep in mind that crests contribute to your velocity as well. The more combo pieces in hand, the less velocity a hand requires to be a keep. For example, if my opener has 2 combo pieces + any 2 cantrip dorks, it's a solid keep for me. If I have 1 combo piece + a golem, I'm probably keeping that as well. Any hand that has less than 2 combo pieces, and you can count Aymar amongst your combo pieces, better have a lot of velocity to justify keeping it. Dark Wisps/Scribes/Cartographers are our low velocity cards, with Grenahen, Golem and Cull being our high velocity cards.

EDIT: One additional thing to mention about velocity and crests. In most cases, it's usually correct to draw your cards and then crest so your scout has more contextual information. In this deck, most of the time, you want to crest, and then dig. Because if we already have 2 of our pieces, there is only 1 card in the whole deck we actually want to see. So we would usually rather bottom anything that isn't the combo piece we're looking for or one of our high velocity cards.
Sabriel Eternal Version: 21.07.21
Ah, I didn't know the turn timer reset if you use Aymar to make the opponent play another Affliction. That would've saved me in the game I lost where i assembled the combo, but I'm still bewildered as to how to make the deck win more consistently.
Fratmank94 Eternal Version: 21.07.21
That combo is so jank lol. I love it.
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DarkLou Edited Eternal Version: 21.07.21
I also run Fall to Ruin in market to counter Tocas, Waystone Harvester since it shuts down Repel Darkness
Shenaniganry Edited Eternal Version: 21.07.21
I haven't run into any Tocas, but the deck has 0 answers main deck outside of exploiting Tocas before he comes down, and only sinister rumors as a potential answer in the market, so having something in the market that can reliably clear him from the board is nice. Fall is so expensive, but also does a little more work in other spots than a cheaper spot removal would be able to. What did you replace in the market with Fall?

EDIT: My first inclination is to remove Sinister Rumors for Send an Agent as it kills Tocas at fast speed and is flexible enough to hit other potential problem cards. Also gives us a fast removal option for the mirror, which is set to become more prevalent on ladder as the Expedition Open finishes up over the next day and a half.
Fenume Eternal Version: 21.07.21
Yeah, need to be able to answer the Tocas I too have experienced
Shenaniganry Eternal Version: 21.07.21
Suffocate/Send An Agent/Defile are all solid answers to Tocas. Sinister rumors should theoretically be an okay answer as well, because we don't have any units that should be dissuading opposing Tacos from attacking, so he'll likely be exhausted most turns after turn 3.
Fenume Eternal Version: 21.07.21
As the deck becomes more prominent, people will learn to stay back with Tocas though (speaking from my own experience playing Tocas and encountering twist combo)
Shenaniganry Eternal Version: 21.07.21
A good point, a more proactive answer is necessary.
DarkLou Edited Eternal Version: 21.07.21
Send an agent might be good in there.
I run into a couple of Tocas, even a double Tocas, that's why I use fall to ruin, and it already saved me against some aggressive decks, that could put lots of big units, or flyers, or overwhelm, since all our units are so small, so for these scenarios I prefer a full board clear than just a single removal, but yeah, it's expensive. I took out seek answers, I found it almost useless, In your case is sabotage..
Shenaniganry Edited Eternal Version: 21.07.21
Yeah, Seek Answers was an early add, came out very quickly when I realized I needed more interaction in the market. Ran into more fast removal and hand based disruption so I have the Sabo in place of removal. I wish I had more detailed notes from my games. Curious how many times a board clear vs a spot removal would have made a difference. Most of my losses to this point are Milos, Rebel Bomber aggro decks, and I don't think a board wipe on 6 would have saved me.
Tossthegoats Eternal Version: 21.07.21
I hate this deck so much. Its very demoralizing to lose to, and very boring to play.
jeroludo Eternal Version: 21.07.21
If i meet this deck, you'll make your 80 clicks and i won't even watch cause i'll walk away. It's just the way it is. A 3 combo cards winning a game, i'm fine with it if their cost would be higher. But these 3 cards are 2-cost each. Come on.

I agree Stained Honor should have a restriction to prevent the infinite loop. Nothing should be "infinite" in a card game.
dbrugler Edited Eternal Version: 21.07.21
Agreed, you shouldn't be able to automatically win a game with 6 power
Shenaniganry Edited Eternal Version: 21.07.21
It's not "automatic" by any means. You are allowed to play fast interaction in your deck, which beats up this combo pretty well.
jeroludo Eternal Version: 21.07.21
So, in your record of 30-6, how many times you got countered when you had 6 power? Be honest...
Shenaniganry Edited Eternal Version: 21.07.21
1 loss I conceded on turn 3 after keeping a hand with no S influence and bricking on S influence after playing a golem. 1 game I got my yetis Rain of Frogs'd (this was before I had Quill in the market and that loss was one of the reasons I added Quill). The other 4 games I lost to fast removal on my combo turn @ 6 power.

EDIT: To add to this. The two units involved die to every single (throne playable) fast removal in the game. They are small statted, low cost, and single faction. They die to everything. You just need to be playing some form of fast interaction. Or have a fast clock. Or have a decent clock with disruption. Negates on the repel darkness are as good as fast removal on either of the units.
jeroludo Edited Eternal Version: 21.07.21
Thanks for answering in detail. Do you remember what kind of removal were used on you? Cards like Smite or Ice Bolt for example?
Shenaniganry Eternal Version: 21.07.21
Blazing Salvo was 2 of them iirc. The others I don't remember.
Fenume Eternal Version: 21.07.21
Easy way to get to masters. Good way to make fast interaction essential
Shenaniganry Eternal Version: 21.07.21
Yeah, as people realize they need more fast interaction, I think sabotage in the market would be good. Likely over seek answers.
dbrugler Edited Eternal Version: 21.07.21
Great deck, I hate it. Win conditions like this shouldn't exist IMO.
IamSpamlinkz Eternal Version: 21.07.21
Not this combo again *cries in agony*
AntiVector Eternal Version: 21.07.21
I still don't know why Stained Honor doesn't have the Dune Painter restriction that prevents this from happening.

I'm fine with OTKs existing if you actually have to fight the opponent the whole game to pull them off, but here it's just dig, dig, dig, click, click, click, win.