So I’ll admit I usually just netdeck everything I play, but had some free time at work while it was slow and was trying to find a deck that would have solid attack plus some control elements with it. I came up with this deck but I’m sure I still need some tweaking to do to make it better if possible. I have a small sample size and after 11 games it’s 9-2 overall, nothing to crazy to get excitied for but it’s on the right track.
Market is where I probably could have the most opportunity to improve. Not sure if my choices are correct but so far it been great. Able to fetch the right answer at the right time has saved many games.
I’m thinking that the current meta will push towards a more heavy AP so why not to get ahead of the curve is what I was thinking. So here’s my list, I’d like any suggestions and I’d appreciate it. Thanks all