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Sentinel Reanimator

Throne Deck By


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This deck is actually insane. I was fiddling with it last month and hadn't tuned it yet, so I started in Silver 1 this month. This deck took me from Silver 1 to master in the first 5 days of the season. It is very consistent and can do some really busted things once it gets going. I didn't keep track of exact win percentage on the climb up the ladder, but whenever I checked my last 20 matches, my win percentage was between 65% and 70% every time.

The basic idea (if it's not obvious) is to use the 2 mana discard outlets to put a big sentinel in the void, then either use Stirring Sand or Grasping at Shadows to bring it back as early as turn 4, then keep bringing them back as needed.

It works very well because there are 7 discard outlets(11 if you count the market), 7 reanimation spells(11 if you count the market), and 12 sentinels worth dumping in the void and reanimating. Great-Kiln Titan is the best target because it gives you a free card every turn, and when that free card is another Great-Kiln Titan or a Lavablood Goliath, it's absolutely busted.

I highly recommend trying this deck. Void hate is pretty much non-existent in this game, so it is very easy to enact the game plan without issue. It absolutely torches control and midrange decks. Fast aggro can be difficult to deal with, but if you can bring back Great-Kiln Titan early in the game, you can usually stabilize in time to win.

If you have any questions about card choices or about how to play the deck, feel free to comment.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 3 2

Power Sources
14 15 13 17

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
17 9 26 20

Card Types
28 1 26 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Jekk's Bounty [Set1001]
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]


September 6, 2018


Eternal Version
Balance Changes

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