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Xenan Evils

Gauntlet Deck By


Cost Curve




This deck is designed around having multiple options for dealing with what you will expect in Gauntlet.

Prize Sow is a workhorse of this deck, but they have a harder time surviving earlier turns. Once heavy hitters come out, they tend to be less targeted by Torch or some other B.S. Combo him with Severin of the Dark to have consistent lifegain and the sound of IT'S IT'S IT'S IT'S IT'S IT'S IT'S IT'S IT'S IT'S in your ear for the rest of the round.

The Rat King, while still useful in this deck, is not as good as he was before his ability cost 2 rather than 1. He's good with Prize Sow to pump up your Shadow influence, leading to hard shots of At Any Cost or Devouring Shadow, which can often change the tempo of the game.

Once you hit 50 life, Nahid, the Immortal comes out to party, which will mess up your opponent. Comboing her with Ixtol, Champion of Grodov does a good job of deck thinning (which means deck WINNING).

Azindel, Mastermind usually offers good card advantage, and is more likely than not ignored by the opponent until he's revealed from stealth.

There's a lot of Market recursion here, but not enough to where you're solely relying on it.

That being said, this deck can be MAD SLOW. Multiple power sources and power drawing cards are there for that purpose. Be wary; you'll occasionally get f***ed up by getting nothing put power-increasing units or high-cost cards with nothing to do but look at them.

In terms of bosses, the decay deck and the +1/+1 per battle skill deck can give this deck a hard time, but they are still winnable.

Good luck if you build it, let me know what works and what doesn't for you.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 4

Power Sources
18 19 12

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
25 18 23 11

Card Types
36 2 17 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Promises by Firelight [Set1007]
Bastion Rising [Set1097]
Hour of Glass [Set1115]
Valley Beyond [Set1125]


September 12, 2023

August 18, 2022


Eternal Version
The Devouring

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL

Revisions (Since last major patch) September 12, 2023



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