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JPS (BUG) Greedy Pile

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve




Greedy 3F Deck

Playing it on master atm and works pretty well

Feel free to ask/ suggest new stuff about the deck!

Against Aggro: Go for all the removal you can get (most important one is probably Lightning Storm. After you stabilized try to slam your fatties and try gain life with the Black-Sky Harbinger.

Against Control: Try to put on pressure without overextending (overextending into Harsh Rule and you loose). Against Feln keep an Eye on Azindel's Gift. If he slams it, you probably lose.

Against Midrange: Don't be afraid to lose some life to the smaller units. Try blocking them with your bigger units and keep your removal for fatties. Against Argeport try to 2for1 with Annihilate when he plays the Bloodletter.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 2 2

Power Sources
11 15 11 12

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
14 31 14 5

Card Types
11 6 33 0 25


January 7, 2018

January 6, 2018


Eternal Version
The Dusk Road

BBCode For Comments

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dnmph Eternal Version: 1.27
This looks like a blast to pilot. Do you have any insight into its matchups? I'm a couple Makto shy of being able to give it a whirl.
PsyLama Edited Eternal Version: 1.27
Haven't played it a lot either yet, but it looks like it has a decent matchups against most decks.
Against aggro depends on how much removal you draw early (especially lightning storm).
Maktos are great in the control matchups because they come back a lot if not silenced.
But I think you still can play this pile without the Maktos and put in more stewards,alchemists, hammer dependig on the meta.
Maybe you also find different stuff to play in this deck. I got inspired by JonahVeil's Feast or Famine build (
dnmph Eternal Version: 1.27
Thanks for the response!

I'll definitely give it a whirl and check out JonahVeil's deck.

I'm currently breaking my way out of Silver with Temporal Control, and have been finding the meta to be fairly aggro heavy, so I'm interested to see how this stacks up.

(Also I just realized you built an Esper Roaches list I played for a while, so cheers to you for that :) )