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Insurgent Growth Rafero (Master in 18 hours)

Throne Deck By


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Hello everyone

I designed this deck thinking of new people who do not have many legendary and can not have a deck expensive enough to reach Master.

As an experience of my own, and without counting the design hours of the deck, it took me approximately 18 hours to go from Silver 1, to a master playing only with this deck.

Deck Idea: It is going little by little growing one of your creatures with Paladin Oathbook. Important not to extend the game since the control decks in long shifts will not let you do much. Silverwing Familiar is the most optimal card to grow because of its three abilities since it is not so easy to be removed by the Aegis and keep in hand the Protect for when it is grown to protect it. Auric Sentry and Crownwatch Legionnaire serve to stop the agros decks such as the decks of grenadins or similar decks in the first turns, and then you will only need to heal yourself to stay alive with Lifesteal.

Do not give up so fast if you see it impossible in high turns. Remember that you have 8 creatures with Flight and Lifesteal and that you get a Mantle of Justice and Finest Hour you will heal a lot.
Hola a todos

Diseñé este mazo pensando en las personas nuevas que no tienen muchas legendarias y no pueden tener un mazo lo suficientemente costoso para llegar a Maestro.

Como experiencia propia, y sin contar las horas de diseño del mazo, me tomó aproximadamente 18 horas pasar de Plata 1, a maestro jugando solo con este mazo.

Idea del mazo: Es ir poco a poco creciendo una de tus criaturas con Paladin Oathbook. Importante no extender la partida ya que los mazos de control en turnos largos no te dejarán hacer mucho. Silverwing Familiar es la carta mas optima de crecer por sus tres habilidades ya que no es tan fácil que te la remuevan por el Aegis y mantener en mano los Protect para cuando ya este crecida poder protegerla. Auric Sentry y Crownwatch Legionnaire te sirven para frenar los mazos agros como por ejemplo los mazos de grenadins o mazos similares en los primeros turnos, y ya luego solo necesitaras curarte para mantenerte vivo con Lifesteal.

No rendirte tan rápido si lo ves imposible en turnos altos. Recuerda que llevas 8 criaturas con Vuelo y Lifesteal y con que te salga un Mantle of Justice y Finest Hour te vas a curar un montón.


Shiftstone Cost
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Deck Rarities
19 28 11

Card Types
26 8 16 0 25

Aggro Combo

December 31, 2017

December 28, 2017


Eternal Version
The Dusk Road

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Ez3kie1 Edited Eternal Version: 1.27
Took out the Rebukes and added Copperhall Porter since I kept getting stuck on power...working quite nice
Grixis4DaWin Eternal Version: 1.27
Seems good I'll give a try
Rafero Eternal Version: 1.27
Very well, I hope it serves you, you tell me how it goes