Update may 23 subbed back in torches instead of boiling geyser it was cute but torches are just better.
I am back again with another sling update this time with some spicy new tech from the newest set Revelations! I was concerned that sling in throne might become obsolete with this newest set. The power level of sling however remains untouched for the time being. The standard Thone Skycrag sling list I used to hit rank 1 remains relatively the same. With a couple really cool inclusions from Revelations. The first one I want to talk about has quickly become my favorite card of the set.
Jufi, Sprite Seer not an all out scary card by itself especially when played on turn three but with the stealth mechanic, slings natural draw engine and the ability to put three Dragon’s Eye into the deck. It can very quickly ramp into an impressive threat. When she is played on turn five or later. I originally tried running four copies of her in the list but while it worked out it proved to be rather greedy. So I cut back to two copies to not interfere to much with other five drops. Our next inclusion is
Boiling Geyser while it does not have the direct face damage that torch does. A one cost fast speed spell to deal with aggro units which I expect to see a lot of in this set proves to be invaluable. My final change I have made to the list was an include of two copies of
Runic Transformation . An amazing tool for us to be able to dodge tricky combat tricks or even removal spells on key units. These changes have kept me at rank one throne with a solid 80% W/R. I am very well aware of how hated this deck is but I enjoy it so I’ll keep playing it. For those that also enjoy it please give it a try.
DAY 1: Won (many?!) games in a row, novel experience: silver 3.
DAY 2: Love when Tamarys, Earthshaker takes out #$&@ aggro ... silver 2.
DAY 3: So fun to block a sling shot with Transpose ... outta my house. Silver 1.
DAY 4: Some power flood, I am learning to dump power earlier as it's an efficient deck too. Gold 3.
DAY 5: Learned Grand Suppressor comes after Crafty Occultist, but still made Gold 2.
DAY 6: Stuck at gold 2 after a bad run, and making mistakes helps learn this deck's subtleties.
DAY 7: Learning patience and the other faction schemes. Gold 1.
DAY 8: Seemingly can't lose, getting 3/4ish like TCG said. Diamond 3 feels good as a perennial bronzer.
DAY 9-11: Barely holding diamond 3 only because you can't be demoted, wondering if I should redraw to -1 always to look for sling?
I don't think I'm playing that bad although I made mistakes here and there. Losing to discard, spell/control, aggro ... I try to time and save cards for an appropriate time ... help?!