I'm a big fan of JPS decks, but was struggling with a JPS control deck I made. It had good success at first, but then I hit a wall where I could never win a game. So I took Isochron's JPS control list and started playing it. It was good, but there were some issues that I wasn't a fan of: supporting the power requirements was impossible (SS turn 2, PP turn 3, JJ turn 4, PPP turn 5 is quite difficult to get reliably), and the deck felt like it was halfway between a control deck and a midrange deck, but not good at either.
So I made this. Essentially, we cut out the heavy primal cards, add a bit of ramp via Lost Scroll, and cut Harsh Rule for more spot removal (since as a midrange deck we are rarely more than 1 threat behind). The deck has played out very well - current 11-3 mid-diamond with this exact list, and most of the losses were at the beginning when I was learning the deck. It's very much a midrange deck - we play control until 5&6 power, then drop threat after threat. Swinging with a 9/9 aegis endurance Makto on turn 5 is quite powerful, and turns out that combining any 4-6 power threat with Korovyat Palace is really good - who knew? The deck tends to run low on cards, but I'm finding that to not really be a problem, since almost every draw is powerful.
I'm considering removing the Honor of Claws for some other type of threat, changing out permafrost for something else (nonbo with Vara, and it's very easy to get around permafrost) and when we get the Hooru smuggler, I'm considering whether we want it over the primal merchant. Otherwise, the deck has felt really good for me.