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New take on an oldie but goodie updated: Stonescar Burn -- now with Volatility

Throne Deck By
The Great Parliament // Owls and Dragons


Cost Curve




So first and foremost, this is in anticipation of evenhanded golem getting hurled into the sun, otherwise this deck is fairly inefficient on its card draw.

So, here's a new brew that's a new take on a VERY old classic -- Stonescar burn. As in, the set 1 "only instigator, chacha, 4-drop, heavy 5-drop" disaster of a curve nonsense style of Stonescar that used to be a thing way back in the day.

So what's the catch? 8 ways to access a market for tempo-efficient plays, and the new card draw hotness, volatility!

Inspired by Stormblessed's ECQ deck, I decided to take a more aggressive spin on things.

So, card choice explanation:

Condemn: Stonescar can have a LOT of fun with this card in just how flexible its 1-cost spells are (they aren't 1-cost). Between cards like dark return and flame blast (I don't run dark return, but you can feel free to), which are really variable cost cards, to highly efficient removal, condemn is a terrific choice for throne Stonescar decks. Furthermore, there are few things as satisfying as picking off an initiate of the sands, kindling carver, or *especially* stonepowder alchemist with your market access card.

Torch/annihilate: staple Stonescar removals.

Vara's favor: not sure if this should be Rhysta, but the deck leans slightly too defensive for Rhysta's no-block ability to sit well with me, and the 3 slot already has champs and smugglers.

Volatility: the new hotness. Previously, Stonescar had trouble in regards to gassing out. No more!

Chacha/smugs: staples, never leave home without 'em.

Baby Vara: concession to the rash of Combrei Aggro running around thanks to the pair of Combreis that ran deep into the ECQ.

Volatility package: eclipse dragon and obliterate are playable in their own right. Flying charging damage on a respectable body is good, obliterate is still reasonable, Xo gives us market fodder for condemn and smuggler. Thunder of Wings is...workable. Not the greatest card in the world, but we take what we can get, as it can come down sooner than turn 5.

Power base: just a standard 16 dual, 9-sigil power base. Nothing crazy here, as flood shouldn't be an issue with volatility drawing enough gas to keep the game going.

Overall: probably not the best deck *right now* because drawing a zillion cards is just so much easier with evenhanded golem, but I fully expect that piece of crap to be jettisoned into the sun in the very near future, so might as well go exploring greener pastures.


Edict of Makkar: absolute must with all the combrei, EHG, and the new Xenan strangers deck running around.
Flame Blast: when is a 1-cost card not a 1-cost card? When it's a flame blast! You can also play charchain flail with this logic, but there are way too many dorks these days, and not enough aegis for flail to be worth it IMO.
Ruin: shrine of carver. You can't let an enemy player have even a single turn with this. Otherwise, this would be an easy bore because permafrost owns Stonescar's soul otherwise.
Sabotage: your anti-spell card if you need it.
Suffocate: another piece of removal when opponents aren't on T/J cards. If you don't want two pieces of removal in the market, you have other options like urn, dark return, or maybe even mindfire.

Ideally, I'd like to find 4 cuts to fit in another set of 2-drops since ripknife seems like it'd be fantastic in this time-populated meta.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 2

Power Sources
21 20 16

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
13 18 28 12

Card Types
24 0 31 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Into Shadow [Set1004]

Aggro Midrange

February 24, 2020


Eternal Version
Echoes of Eternity

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Dogger Eternal Version: 1.50.6
Liking it so far, just gone 6-2 with it.