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(Budget) Frenzy Burn

Throne Deck By
Eternal Brew


Cost Curve




New Player Guide
Pauper Decks
Budget Decks
Mid Budget Decks

Low curve high synergy aggro deck. Play units and go for face spells. You achieve two things at the same time. Scaling your units and dealing damage. This list is good vs aggro coz we outscale our opponent as well as we have plenty removal for low on curve threats. Good vs midrange decks coz it takes no time for us to scale to or even beyond reach of midrange units. Good vs control decks coz we have lots of draw as well as really cheap units, so no value on trading resources and we can keep up with card advantage.

Game Plan
Land some scaling units, cast spells into face. We have two types of units. Permanent scaling(Cabal Associate, Stonescar Adept) and bursty combo units(Yeti Pugilist, Feln Adept). Usually with two bursty units and enough cheap spells you can finish game by turn 3-4.
Damage Table Example for T3:
- Lowest: Yeti Pugilist 10 + Feln Adept 6, Trick Throw 2, Snowball 1, Char 2 = 21
- Highest: Yeti Pugilist 10 + Yeti Pugilist 10, Torch 3, Torch 3, Harbinger's Bite 2+1 = 29

- Do not overextend your board. Try to keep it with 2-3 units. Replace units if killed.
- Do not cast your burn spells right away. Keep those to get most value out of Frenzy units you have.
- Use fast burn as fast. It's often can get you a combat trick advantage scaling your frenzy unit to or even over the health of blocker.
- Aggro doesn't mean all-in. Don't go "head first" with this list, it's fine to trade your 1 cost scaling unit to high cost threat from opponent side, but don't go too aggro on attacks if you don't get much from it.
- Ignore opponent's board. In 90% of matches you need to ignore opponent's board and go for the face instead with your burn spells.

Cards & Reasoning
- Cabal Associate: low cost scaling unit, by itself it's a good stat for one-cost.
- Yeti Pugilist: agressive one drop that can suddenly kill your opponent. Works really good with fast burn.
- Stonescar Adept: scaling win condition, helps our 0 attack units to provide value.
- Feln Adept: evasive unit with embedded card advantage. It's been a lot of times when I win with it's trigger by pulling necessary lethal burn damage from the top.

- Char: face burn, unit/site removal, fast combat trick.
- Harbinger's Bite: face burn, sustain, card draw. You can play this spell any time, coz it's already has a lot of value in one card.
- Torch: face burn, unit removal.
- Trick Throw: double burn in one card, due to top curve we have is 3, we can and should turn most to all excess power to burn.
- Treachery: good value for 2 cost.
- Sear: face burn, unit/site removal, fast combat trick.
- One Eye's Choice: attachment removal and reach. Best target would be Yeti Pugilist
- Icy Scrying: card draw with upside.
- Sleight of Hand: second best draw in the game. Convert excess power into burn+scale.

If you want more overall polished list, you can swap Harbinger's Bite for Condemn and use market cards. Put 1 Harbinger's Bite into the market for proactive plays. This should be your default play.

Don't forget to hit that like button and leave a comment if you have feedback/suggestion.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
1 2 1

Power Sources
12 13 16 16

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
32 35 5

Card Types
16 1 37 0 25


July 5, 2024

May 31, 2022


Eternal Version
Separate Ways

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL

Revisions (Since last major patch) July 5, 2024



Kheldae Eternal Version: 24.06.19
Just an idea, but swapping out Shavkan Dogma for a frenzy unit in the market wouldn't be a good idea ?
Hexxen Eternal Version: 24.06.19
Shavkan Dogma is your only way to disable life gain for opponent, especially important for decks that have limited damage spells. You can't beat mid range decks if they manage to survive first 3 turns and have access to lifegain in the deck/market. Coz their board will be better than yours, just because of small amout of units in this deck and not particularly survivable ones.
neolights2363 Eternal Version: 23.12.06
+4 Nico,Urban Hunter
+4 Condemn

Idk the exact cuts but prob trick throw and such. I took this shell to masters a couple times. It was a throne list though.
Hexxen Edited Eternal Version: 23.12.06
Condemn market as an Upgrade for the deck. So yes, it highly benefit deck. Nico, Urban Hunter is a weak card compared to other units we have in the deck and better fit tempo/midrage deck. We aim for hyper aggro plays, turn 3-4 ideally. Oh, i got to masters with it too.
neolights2363 Eternal Version: 23.12.06
This is a very different style deck than mine. More pure aggro. I agree with withholding from nico
neolights2363 Eternal Version: 23.12.06
Nico works really well with One Eyes and allows you to pivot more to aggro control as needed and consistently pushes a threat on board.
Hexxen Eternal Version: 22.08.17
Pretty big nerf to Feln Adept. Downgrade from 4 toughness to 3. It means that you can easily kill it. I don't like it. Maybe, her ability also need a buff. +2/+1 instead +2/+0.
Santaaa Eternal Version: 22.08.17
this deck is amazing, it took me a while to learn how to use it properly but I got it.
in your starting hand you want units and enough mana to play them, and with the fast spells you can trick them into thinking they're not taking that much damage and not block your guys.
even if they get to remove your whole board they're probably already at like 12 HP or whatever, and you can easily burn them down with spells, or with Feln Adept's evasion after your board's been cleared.
and the fact that Feln Adept and Yeti Pugilist's frenzies trigger with each of your spells, you can deal so much unexpected damage in just one turn.
I'd recommend to not overextend, 2 units by turn 3 should be enough of a threat.
btw I've been using it in Enter the Arcanum patch and it still works.
Hexxen Edited Eternal Version: 22.08.17
You got it. My main keeper is if i have 2-3 all faction power cards and 2 units. Or if i have double Primal power and Wisdom of the Elders and/or Sleight of Hand.

Reasons why this deck works:
- Really low curve
- You play your game, in 99% of cases you don't even care what is the plan for an opponent.
- Each burn spell cast is SO impactful. Even one Snowball in this deck is at least another 3-4 damage. So aim for multiple spell casts instead of higher damage spells.
- As you sad, you often have a hand with "surprise" you are dead on turn 3.
- My rule of thumb vs any deck is that i go for a big damage turn 3 in case opponent played depleted power turn 2/3.

Reasons why it's hard to play this deck:
- Missing double Primal faction with multiple 3 cost draw. It's just frustrating, i tuned power base very precise to avoid this situation, but it still possible.
- Go/No Go. It's hard to define when to go or not go, coz you can exhaust your resources and face a removal on a big attack. This can be compensated with experience, more you play this list, better you will do with it.
- Market choices. This can be crucial, if you chose wrong.

- Play temporary scaling units first, before permanent buff units. This is double beneficial. First you get more damage with temporary buff units in attack and you still get permanent buff.
- As you sad, do not overextend, but it's not a rule of thumb. Sometimes you feel/know that you can extend your board and finish the game. But yes, in 90% of cases 2 units is your board.
- Plan turns ahead with Feln Adept. If you don't have burn spell for the next turn you basically loosing 2+ damage and card draw.
- Do not play burn spells, if you have no units on the board. Due to the cost of burn spells, we can always play those when we want. Keep calm and play cold blooded, keep your spells for the right moment.
- Do not overprotect your units. They does scale really high, but it's more important to reach opponent face than keep units. If you win game on 1 hp and without units on the board it's more important that you won, not that you keep your units after win. So trade those, even if it's not in your favour.

This are main points of this deck so far. It is probably the best budget ladder deck i ever built by far.
Hexxen Eternal Version: 22.06.01
Due to the recent changes we have to make some adjustments to the deck. Feln Adept got huge buff, but Forgotten Youth got nerf. It should have frenzy scaling as it had before, otherwise there are no reasons to flip her and that means no reason to play her