If you're looking for a competitive deck, this probably isn't it. This deck is built on
Yorja, The Tale Keeper with lots of transform effects, including the new brand of yetis lead by
Wump & Mizo. It's got some interesting interactions, but probably not going to climb you very far up the ladder. Here's what's included:
Transform effects:
Substitute - Versatile. Bump up your own dudes or take some steam out of an opponent's sails.
Yorja, The Tale Keeper - Her mastery ability is a pipe dream, but she rewards shenanigans with a beefy body of her own.
False Prince - Your loss is your gain. Even if this gets burned down, it will transform and buff Yorja.
Makeshift Barrier - Transforms into a 2/2 flyer and back again at will.
Turn to Seed - The second best reason to buy the new campaign.
Polymorph - For when you need something frogged.
Wump & Mizo - Snowballs are fun.
Unraveling Fanatic - Our main card-draw engine. The transformation is just gravy.
Wump & Mizo - Snowballs are fun.
Yeti Taunt Patrol - Surge is fun.
Icicle Marksman - Spells are fun.
Other stuff:
Storm Lynx - Emergency blocker.
Ice Bolt - For when you have no emergency blocker.
Learned Herbalist - Testing this one out. Doubles up on-cast effects with
Icicle Marksman. If
Wump & Mizo is transformed and you have a good amount of yetis out, the lifegain you get from her should be deece, and each one also pings the enemy player for one.
Very off meta. There's enough unconventional stuff in here that most decks don't have to deal with. Let's see them win with an army of seeds and frogs.
Inconsistent. If Yorja or Wump & Mizo don't show up, we don't have a really good plan B. They could very well win with an army of seeds and frogs.