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league_pool_all 2022-12

Throne Deck By

1 Card icon for Arrest Arrest x1 1 Card icon for Bloodseeker Bloodseeker x1 1 Card icon for Counting Room Counting Room x1 1 Card icon for Draw Strength Draw Strength x1 1 Card icon for Edict of Makkar Edict of Makkar x1 1 Card icon for Electrostatic Distortion Electrostatic Distortion x1 1 Card icon for Faceless One Faceless One x1 1 Card icon for Icy Gaze Icy Gaze x1 1 Card icon for Inflict Conscience Inflict Conscience x1 1 Card icon for Nahid's Faithful Nahid's Faithful x2 1 Card icon for Pilfer Pilfer x1 1 Card icon for Point Blank Point Blank x1 1 Card icon for Prancing Gryffyn Prancing Gryffyn x2 1 Card icon for Seek Power Seek Power x1 1 Card icon for Sticky Fingers Sticky Fingers x1 1 Card icon for Stoneskin Stoneskin x2 1 Card icon for Through The Unknown Through The Unknown x2 1 Card icon for Valkyrie Aspirant Valkyrie Aspirant x2 1 Card icon for Xultan Brushfang Xultan Brushfang x1 2 Card icon for Acclaimed Artisan Acclaimed Artisan x1 2 Card icon for Ark of Sol Ark of Sol x1 2 Card icon for Breath of Voprex Breath of Voprex x1 2 Card icon for Brenn's Insight Brenn's Insight x1 2 Card icon for Chant to Grodov Chant to Grodov x1 2 Card icon for Chemtrail Burst Chemtrail Burst x1 2 Card icon for Collection Rounds Collection Rounds x1 2 Card icon for Concealed Derringer Concealed Derringer x1 2 Card icon for Deuces Wild Deuces Wild x2 2 Card icon for Edict of Kodosh Edict of Kodosh x1 2 Card icon for Eloz's Elite Eloz's Elite x2 2 Card icon for Fervent Siphoner Fervent Siphoner x2 2 Card icon for Grodov Evangel Grodov Evangel x1 2 Card icon for Grumbo, Tota Legend Grumbo, Tota Legend x1 2 Card icon for Harnessed Thrillseeker Harnessed Thrillseeker x1 2 Card icon for Hour of Grodov Hour of Grodov x1 2 Card icon for Hour of Linrei Hour of Linrei x1 2 Card icon for Hydrate Hydrate x1 2 Card icon for Intrepid Longhorn Intrepid Longhorn x1 2 Card icon for Lay Siege Lay Siege x1 2 Card icon for Pull-Up Pull-Up x1 2 Card icon for Rakano Anarchist Rakano Anarchist x1 2 Card icon for Rocky Ride Rocky Ride x1 2 Card icon for Scaly Gruan Scaly Gruan x1 2 Card icon for Shavka Evangel Shavka Evangel x2 2 Card icon for Skywatch Zealot Skywatch Zealot x1 2 Card icon for Smokedancer Smokedancer x1 2 Card icon for Spiketail Qirin Spiketail Qirin x1 2 Card icon for Suspicion Suspicion x1 2 Card icon for Teething Whelp Teething Whelp x1 2 Card icon for Thirsty Bat Thirsty Bat x2 2 Card icon for Treachery Treachery x1 2 Card icon for Wanderlust Qirin Wanderlust Qirin x2 2 Card icon for Warbrush Oni Warbrush Oni x1 2 Card icon for Zealot of Shavkan Zealot of Shavkan x1 3 Card icon for Aerial Deployment Aerial Deployment x1 3 Card icon for Arcanum Orb Arcanum Orb x1 3 Card icon for Auren Taxation Auren Taxation x2 3 Card icon for Barbarian Guerrillas Barbarian Guerrillas x1 3 Card icon for Bulletshaper Bulletshaper x1 3 Card icon for Crowd Queller Crowd Queller x1 3 Card icon for Disrupt Disrupt x1 3 Card icon for Dunewave Dunewave x1 3 Card icon for Eager Offering Eager Offering x1 3 Card icon for Edict of Grodov Edict of Grodov x1 3 Card icon for Happy Harvester Happy Harvester x1 3 Card icon for Icicles Icicles x1 3 Card icon for Insect Swarm Insect Swarm x1 3 Card icon for Minotaur Tailor Minotaur Tailor x2 3 Card icon for Misery Walker Misery Walker x1 3 Card icon for Nivia's Inquisitor Nivia's Inquisitor x1 3 Card icon for Razorwire Totemite Razorwire Totemite x1 3 Card icon for Saddle Up Saddle Up x1 3 Card icon for Sodi's Spellshaper Sodi's Spellshaper x1 3 Card icon for Starving Horror Starving Horror x1 3 Card icon for Storm of Feathers Storm of Feathers x1 3 Card icon for Swaying Sea Qirin Swaying Sea Qirin x1 3 Card icon for Thunderclaw Raven Thunderclaw Raven x1 3 Card icon for Tidecaller Tidecaller x1 3 Card icon for Vile Collaborator Vile Collaborator x1 3 Card icon for Wilderness Refuge Wilderness Refuge x1 3 Card icon for Windscreamer Windscreamer x1 3 Card icon for Wretched Raven Wretched Raven x1 4 Card icon for Befoul Befoul x1 4 Card icon for Carnivorous Terror Carnivorous Terror x1 4 Card icon for Cindermaw Tota Cindermaw Tota x1 4 Card icon for Cleansing Rain Cleansing Rain x1 4 Card icon for Copperhall Recruit Copperhall Recruit x1 4 Card icon for Cult Recruiter Cult Recruiter x1 4 Card icon for Gryffyn Rider Marshal Gryffyn Rider Marshal x1 4 Card icon for Mistrust Mistrust x1 4 Card icon for Relentless Combatant Relentless Combatant x1 4 Card icon for Resonance Wave Resonance Wave x1 4 Card icon for Street Gang Street Gang x1 4 Card icon for Warhorn Warhorn x2 4 Card icon for Yeti Traditionalist Yeti Traditionalist x2 5 Card icon for Break and Enter Break and Enter x1 5 Card icon for Burning Claw Burning Claw x1 5 Card icon for Bust Out Bust Out x2 5 Card icon for Dramatic Exit Dramatic Exit x1 5 Card icon for Flamekeeper Flamekeeper x1 5 Card icon for Grizzled Hermit Grizzled Hermit x1 5 Card icon for Jotun Warrior Jotun Warrior x1 5 Card icon for Longtail Cavalry Longtail Cavalry x1 5 Card icon for Marsh Dragon Marsh Dragon x2 5 Card icon for Party Crasher Party Crasher x2 5 Card icon for Pin the Jotun Pin the Jotun x1 5 Card icon for Rakano Adept Rakano Adept x1 5 Card icon for Vinepetal Creeper Vinepetal Creeper x2 6 Card icon for Riot Flame Riot Flame x1 6 Card icon for Smog Monster Smog Monster x2 6 Card icon for Stonescar Maul Stonescar Maul x1 7 Card icon for Banewulf Banewulf x1 7 Card icon for Icequake Icequake x1 7 Card icon for Kodosh Sees All Kodosh Sees All x1 7 Card icon for Repulsive Gorger Repulsive Gorger x1 7 Card icon for Skyhorror Draconus Skyhorror Draconus x1 8 Card icon for Rosebloom Mandrake Rosebloom Mandrake x2 Card icon for Ancient Manual Ancient Manual x2 Card icon for Emblem of Shavka Emblem of Shavka x1 Card icon for Xultan Conclave Xultan Conclave x1


Cost Curve




league pool all 2022-12


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 2 2 2 2

Power Sources
1 3

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
94 35 12 1

Card Types
78 15 45 0 4


December 22, 2022


Eternal Version
Enter the Arcanum

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL

Revisions (Since last major patch) December 22, 2022



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