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Holy Mother of Dragons, Batman

Expedition Deck By
The Queensguard


Cost Curve




(Do you get it? It's because she's a cultist. Alt. title was The Virgin Razca but I am really tired of receiving handwritten notes from the Vatican saying only "Please stop.")

Mull hard for Razca.

- Dakus sacrifices Razca to redraw itself
- Razca is redrawn periodically by any new dragon coming down (you shouldn't need sac fodder often enough that you need to go hunting for a specific card)
- either of these two, or Cozin, produce drawn cards that trigger Tattoo Dragon
- Tattoo Dragon produces fodder for Obrak (I haven't decided if this influence is sane, but I'm pretty sure I do actually want Obrak here), as does Karvet
- Karvet makes saccing Razca extra value
- it seems like it should be easier to actually run the damn site in this build because throwing away units to defend it costs you less in terms of card advantage, but Skylord Tolek is the other card I'll try in its place

Bam! Flavor for days.

Expedition Information


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 2 2

Power Sources
14 11 12 12

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
4 23 22 18

Card Types
36 0 17 2 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Promises by Firelight [Set1007]
Whispers of the Throne [Set1085]


April 21, 2020

April 1, 2020


Eternal Version
Whispers of the Throne

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL

Revisions (Since last major patch) April 3, 2020



Jaqen Eternal Version: 1.51.3
Fun list! Started playing it since the most recent changes (didn't have Obrak before)
MrWilly Eternal Version: 1.51.2
Have you considered adding Touch of resilience to your market, so you can grant it to Dakus? He is a good boy who deserves to see his Destiny come to fruitation. It even helps when in hand.
SasquatchBrah Eternal Version: 1.51.3
A nice idea. Works on razca as well.
Kaelos Eternal Version: 1.51.2
Hi Kaelos, first time commentor on your decks, big fan. Do you think the other Razca has a place in this list?
Kaelos Eternal Version: 1.51.2
What other Razca? Is this some "hilarious joke" like the time "DWD made a Rakano site" or "there was a fourth Indiana Jones movie"?

Fucking trolls...
SasquatchBrah Eternal Version: 1.51.3
The promo card
Tenukkiut Eternal Version: 1.51.3
(It's a joke)