Do you enjoy playing Eternal so much that you wish it could be your turn all the time? do you enjoy spending 30 minutes per game, do you wish your opponents would just give up with no win con in sight? well now you can!
The game plan is simple, do nothing for your first 2 or 3 turns, aim to play Partnership Agreement and Pinnacle of the Reach, ramp to as much power as possible as fast as possible while controlling the board, broker for Sols rest or Martyrs chains, then it's Hawk time, in a perfect world you will get 9+ power, play Hawk copy Sols Rest, play Sols Rest, decimate, and play hawk again since you brokered your Sols rest you can usually draw 2+ quickly and once you start Hawking them you will get a lot quickly. enjoy going truly infinite without ever letting your opponent react. also having 10+ Martyrs Chains in play clears the board easily and makes 999/999 units very quickly