I've been playing little less than one month and i really love this game, within first 2 weeks i mastered gauntlet/forge and draft and headed for ranked where i shortly got stuck in diamond 3. After trying various decks i could afford to build but still not getting past 50% win rate, i decided to build a deck on my own that within 40 to 50 games has finally got me to master in ranked as well so i thought id share it here. And sure there are lots of variations of this around and few cards that could be cut out and replaced with something else but with my new player budget this was the best i could do and what worked best for me after switching some cards out here and there.
And yes i have bought gems to complete all the campaigns and enter about 10 drafts but i'd say it's still within decent budget for free players since the legendaries are all from campaign. (Except the site than can be replaced with anything else)