Hi, I am TheBergund and now, finally, I have new cards.
This is the deck that I am playing in high master (top10).
Hope you like!
Any suggestion is appreciated!
The ShiftstonedEternal Power Calculator is a deck-building tool that visualizes your odds of drawing enough Influence and Power based specifically on the cards found in your deck.
Tried this last night and it went well. Just in case you are interested, I made the following changes that bring the deck a bit more in line with the cheaper removal I run in FTP Moment. This probably makes Jekk's tribute harder to activate, but it's easier to play removal around your other plays.
-4 Magenta Wisps for +3 Suffocates and +1 Annihilate
- 1 Jekk, Lone Gun for +1 Find the Way
Also trying some amount of Devastating Setback in the main/market and may try the Time merchant (although Azindel's in the market is hard to pass up).
Cheers for the deck.