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Environmentally Friendly Rats

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve




This is an experiment to test what happens if I add Supply Lines to a Rat Cage deck. The result is as hilarious as I expected. Also, this turned out to be pretty budget friendly, and budget friendly is environmentally friendly.

The Relics

Rat Cage - clearly the most important card of the deck. If you can't get at least one in play in the first few turns, you probably have no chance.

Shrine to Karvet - in most cases this is the second most important relic. If you already have Rat Cage in play, then prioritize getting a shrine. Sacrificing rats or grenadins while you have a shrine in play is how you win most games with this deck.

Porcelain Mask - helps push through damage, and nullifying key opponent units before they can play them.

Prism Stone - helps fix our influence - we are a 4 faction deck after all.

Pitfall Trap - maybe ping off a blocker, mostly for cycling through our deck.

Supply Lines - if you run into some kind of deck that have units bigger than your rats can get through, then use this to make units bigger than theirs. Usually by the time this matters, you should be able to build a full board of giant rats fairly quickly.

The Supporting Cast

Kindling Carver - super useful for this deck - helps us dig through our deck and triggers Shrine to Karvet every turn.

Lethrai Courtier - all our cheap relics pair well with this to fetch all the power we need, and once we have enough power they're extra cards we can discard to Pitfall Trap or market away.

Display of Knowledge - most of the time used to fetch our key relics. When desperate can be used to remove an attacker (or blocker if reeeeeeally desperate).

Display of Menace - all three modes are useful depending on matchup, but most of the time this is to draw cards and trigger Shrine to Karvet.

Devour - draw cards and trigger Shrine to Karvet.

Recycle - triggers Shrine to Karvet and grows your board. The grenadins can also be surprise blockers. If you're desperate to get units on board you can also sacrifice a relic. Overall a highly versatile card here.

Send an Agent - removes a key opponent threat (may be a relic).

Blight Pass Smuggler - market access that pairs well with Shrine to Karvet.

The Extras

Elysian Blueprints, Stonescar Blueprints - early on can help with fixing influence, later these can be cheap relics that make more rats.

Silverblade Menace - some control deck not letting you have your fun? Punish them with this.

Bazaar Stampede - got a large board and need to push through some damage? Grab this.

Fall to Ruin - for those times when a rat deck wants to wipe the board. Extra spicy late game when you can use this as a one sided board wipe.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
1 2 1 3

Power Sources
8 10 11 12 16

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
7 47 15 2

Card Types
13 19 23 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Shadow of the Spire [Set1087]
Bastion Rising [Set1097]

Combo Midrange

June 25, 2021


Eternal Version

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL



emobacon Eternal Version: 21.06.09
how is it feeling vs the time heavy decks that are prevalent in the current meta?
arcade Eternal Version: 21.06.09
I assume you mean the decks that try to ramp into fatties? I think the general game plan there is just to sustain with shrine, hit key units with removal, fall to ruin if they have a big board, and land supply lines if it looks like the game might go a little long.
emobacon Eternal Version: 21.06.09
thoughts on adding sentinel mold?
arcade Edited Eternal Version: 21.06.09
I actually tried it in an earlier iteration of this. The list simply doesn’t have enough unit cards that you want to buff with sentinel mold - carvers are for sac/draw, courtiers are for draw and dies easily, and the smuggler is good to buff but that’s only 4 cards.

Basically, you want a more unit focused deck for sentinel mold, and less relic focused.
ArrowofKira22 Edited Eternal Version: 21.06.09
hey arcade, as promised i wanted to suggest a powerbase so here's what i came up with: 2 fire 2 primal 1 shadow 2 time sigil, 4 feln paintings, 4 crest of mystery, 4 xenan cylix, 2 seat of mystery and 4 skycrag banner. My idea is too make this more focused around xenan colors to hit lethrai courtier on curve early, since he's generating power over time he gets you the other powers you need. Your fire cards don't need the influence immediately because i highly doubt you want to play carver or recycle before you get the rat cage online so all fire paintings got replaced for skycrag banners, i know they seem weird at first but they should complement well with all the xenan crests and cylixes that provide power early to allow you to play rat cage or lethrai courtier first so the skycrag banner should be fast power afterwards most of the time. If this bricks too much on primal and fire now replace the 2 seat of mystery for crest of fury or seat of fury. Let me know how this feels to you if you try it out, i theory crafted it with the help of shiftstoned so i'm curious if this runs more smoothly now or not.
arcade Eternal Version: 21.06.09
Thanks for the suggestions, I’ll try them out and see how it goes.
bobby2055 Eternal Version: 21.06.09
suggested replacement for fall to ruin?
arcade Eternal Version: 21.06.09
Elvish swindler is another useful market option
bobby2055 Eternal Version: 21.06.09
thank you.
Velsevul Eternal Version: 21.06.09
Creative, fun and competitive as always! Great job for refreshing rats archetype. One thing I don't 100% sure - are rats environmental friendly? :-)
arcade Eternal Version: 21.06.09
They’re recyclable, so why not?