This deck plays similar to other Kira builds with some of the same staple cards (Hojan, Silverblade Intrusion and the like). What I like about this particular list is that this build leans much more into Kira’s 8 influence ability than others. You can often hit the influence even faster than other Kira lists due to Ijin’s first ability and thanks to her second ability you often have a weapon on her as well. The build also features a pretty nifty side combo between Ijin and Lynax that deals 4 damage every turn once they are both on the board.
Market has solid options in manacles for problem units, pristine light for large problem units, pyrotech explosion for reach, deepforged plate in a pinch to break stuns, activate Lynax, and power up an attacking Kira so she can pass a greater stat boost along, and Pisto for hand refill.