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Mechavelli's Censari Skycraggro

Throne Deck By


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I made Master's this month with this standard Skycraggro deck (Currently at rank 667). It's mean and fast, but with a new addition: Censari Brigand. The overall strategy of the deck is to get out as much damage as possible in as few turns as possible, and I feel like this deck does that very well. Without Censari, you'd have only four charge units in your roster. With her, you now have eight, and a higher chance of drawing one. In this meta (and in any, really), Charge is incredibly powerful since only fast spells can stop you from getting that damage in. Combined with Censari's double damage to player faces, she can very quickly end the game for you.

Here are a few tips for playing:

-Mulligan any hand that doesn't have one drops you can't play on the first turn. You're a hyper aggressive deck, you need to constantly put out damage and losing a turn to inactivity can lose you the game.

-Never keep a hand with 4+ power. Three is the max, two is best since that means more units. You can draw into your third power later.

-Play charge units after regular units, that way you'll you can attack with both on the next turn instead of spreading your attack over three turns. If you're expecting a harsh rule or a hailstorm, though, charge ahead and get that damage in.

-Weapon priorities are aegis and quickdraw units, meaning that Vadius is naturally your weapons guy. Rakano Outlaw and Snowcrust are decent choices as well. Stick a weapon on an overwhelm unit only if you're certain you can close the game in this or the next turn, as you're probably losing that unit in a trade.

-Pyroknight is our lady and Savior, and pumping her on turn six is a tremendous sight to behold. If, for some reason, the game has dragged out for six turns, her 6 attack on an overwhelming body will fix that situation for you.

-Censari is in the deck's title and thus should be valued when you have her. Don't waste her, as you haven't lived until you've made your opponent weep from getting hit with a Censari Brigand wearing a Shogun Scepter for 8 face damage on the back of a single unit. Even if your opponent was somehow at 25 at the start of that turn, he's now at 17 and will lose the game in two turns if Censari isn't answered or blocked.


Control is basically a free win, even if they Hailstorm you. You have three turns minimum before they can cast it, and by the time they wipe the board you should be able to bounce back with charge units or burn them with Mortar and Torch. Harsh Rule is pretty much not a danger since they'll be dead before they can cast it.

Midrange is a bit tougher, as Time has the butts to stop you from getting that final lethal through. AP mid is actually easier even though they have lifesteal, as you can rush them quick and they don't have as many blockers. Permafrost their Commandos, Torch their Traitors, and win before Tavrod comes online.

Aggro should be easy as well, considering that they're not going to have any units available to block. You have eight chargers and a super low curve, so pumping out units to go wide around them shouldn't be a problem.

Hope y'all have fun with this deck! It's incredibly fun to beat everyone with a bunch of dorks and a bearded savage, so go out there and get them for Skycrag!


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 1

Power Sources
16 13 8 4

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Deck Rarities
16 26 16 4

Card Types
34 8 8 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
The Tale of Horus Traver [Set1002]


April 24, 2018


Eternal Version
Sealed Deck League

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