So I recently posted a TJP list on here - that list is wrong, don't play it. It's certainly decent, but there's a problem - it's not running Kira. When I uploaded it, I hadn't yet played with Kira, but the card is ridiculously powerful, especially with Hojan to make the 4J base requirement achieveable. There are Hooru and Combrei versions of Kira Blitz, but with TJP you can get the best of both -
Alessi, Combrei Archmage alongside
Terrazon Echo and
Gift of Battle - along with
Accelerated Evolution and
Equivocate that can be run in neither. The main problems I was having were with the powerbase, but since adding the
Find the Way and the banner in the market I've only had "well guess I'm combrei/Hooru" happen to me once from D2 to D1, and it was in a game I won. I'm open to suggestions, so tell we what you think, esp. if you have a better powerbase.