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Exp Bring to Justice

Expedition Deck By


Cost Curve




This is the optimized version of my deck tech described here: Exp Cheap-as-Free Upgrade for Roshi's Confounders Theme Deck. At the aim of this deck here is to establish your board presence early, with some mid-game control using Permafrost and Turn to Seed to slow down your opponent's plans with Maveloft Huntress to either take out a Unit before an attack, or become a larger blocker after an attack.
The recent nerf to Trickshot Ruffian may have a bigger impact on running the playset of Kira, the Prodigy than on any of the other cards in the deck. However, the Ruffian still seems to be a viable option. I would like to slot in Seasoned Drillmaster over the Ruffian to help with Seneschal of Light's Mastery as well as the Huntress' stats by imbuing the buffed unit, if the Drillmaster was still an option in the current Expedition format, though.


Edit: 21-July-2020

After some playtesting of this deck, I set myself on the task of gaining as much value as I could from Stun effects and having face Aegis. Bring to Justice had become a very reliable removal card during most of my games, whether temporarily through stun or outright with Face Aegis. Being zero cost, albeit with a requirement of 3 Justice influence, Bring to Justice serves wonderfully along other cards like Helio, the Skywinder, Bubble Shield, The Throne Room, and Aniyah, Master Sleuth, either for draw or Aegis respectfully. The shield also serves as a kind-of negate versus an opponent's effect.
Frostbite Elemental, Caravan Guard, and Fencing Master are here to either aid the Huntress early on or to dominate the board themselves. This trio also makes Imbue an almost viable option for deck building, but I suspect that they work better in Draft / League than here in constructed play.
Thus, I had to remove the original aggro unti grouping I initially settled on. The nerf to the Ruffian didn't justify his continued play in this deck.
As well, I added a copy of Citywide Ban for the Cleansing Rain in the Market. By removing the Seneschal I lost access to the Ban which I found more useful than not. The Rain also rarely mattered in any of the games I played.
The rest of the deck seems to play out well enough, but is still far from a Tier 1 build. This list should get you to Masters over time, but I would not recommend it for Tournament play.

Expedition Information


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 4

Power Sources
16 18 8

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
19 29 18 4

Card Types
27 8 19 0 26

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Whispers of the Throne [Set1085]
Shadow of the Spire [Set1087]

Aggro Midrange

July 21, 2020

July 13, 2020


Eternal Version
Argent Depths

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL

Revisions (Since last major patch) July 21, 2020



winterguitarist Eternal Version: 20.07.16
If you need lifesteal you could maybe go with kodosh evangel. It's not as good as in other, more influence focused decks but it could work.
Isendahl Edited Eternal Version: 20.07.16
Hi winterguitarist,
Yes, you're right about this suggestion, thank you. When playtesting I found the Ruffian to be lar less reliable than I initially hoped so I did add the Evangel for a time. I dropped both in the end, but it wasn't due to a lack of lifesteal. Ultimately, though, I decided to build a list trying to gain advantage from Stun; similar to the original Theme deck I was working from.