If you've seen my other two decks you know the drill by now lol. I don't post decks on this site to have people actually try to use them competitively, they're not really good enough for that, but to give people some fun ideas so they can make their own versions of something that's actually functional. I enjoy trying to make my own decks but I can really only make the skeletons of one, which is what we have here. The basic idea is to ramp into a bunch of large creatures and maintain card advantage by Excavating warp or revenge, thereby negating the typical negative effects of Excavate. Excavate can also help you redraw your removal and a mystic ascendant for another large creature and propagator of card advantage. Honestly, the main reason I made this deck is because I wanted the potential be able to Excavate a Rhinarc Huntpack onto my deck to use his ambush ability. I hope some people can make use of this in order to make their own decks. Have fun :)
thx for the idea though