The ShiftstonedEternal Power Calculator is a deck-building tool that visualizes your odds of drawing enough Influence and Power based specifically on the cards found in your deck.
I don't know why you added Shadow to this deck if you aren't using a sac synergy or something like that. First you should have an idea which your strategy is and how it works. Should it be Aggro, Midrange or Control (Combo isn't an option I'd say)? Which are your synergies (e.g. Combust/Devour + any Entomb unit)?
I'd suggest to go for a clear line with this deck: either Mono F Rally Aggro or SF Aggro with Sacrifice synergy (first one's cheaper, but the second is more consistent imo), but not just a pile of cards.
I added shadow for the annihilate and madness to help against tough cards (Darn Sandstorm Titan ruining my day) and control the board a bit more. I'll take your advice though and see where it lands me!
3-4 rapid shot is essential to get pass large creature like titan, if you can cast it on an overwhelm creature better to have your extra dmg splash to the player
Please see my own build name of deck is Stones car Go Wide Queen, deck win rate is 60-80% win rate and helps me go up the ladder in master rank. Hope it helps
I like what your deck does! Gotta ask why you put in ruthless stranger? Is there any other cards one could sub in for that? Is it because it is a 2-1 1drop? Other than that, I have to save up for those bandit queens :(
The stranger is just an addtl for the one drop creature, you could sub that one drop in black instead a 2/2 with one downside you take 2dmg upon casting it, bandit queen is really essential,
Gameplan is to put damage down and go wide early, with enough removal to take out major threats on the board and keep pumping in damage. There is a little mid-late game (bait, calderan gunsmith, pyroknight ultimate) to push the last bit of damage on the opponent if they manage to heal up from hurting them. Madness is there for surprise damage swings, memory dredger to get flying and keep the board wide if I get controlled. A couple vanity cards (Groundbreaker, Soulfire Drake) to have larger bodies if I need it. Also Soulfire acts as a one of secondary finisher. Rally is the win condition card and surprise killing of tough blockers.
I'd suggest to go for a clear line with this deck: either Mono F Rally Aggro or SF Aggro with Sacrifice synergy (first one's cheaper, but the second is more consistent imo), but not just a pile of cards.