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Budget EXP Rakano Aggro D2 to Masters 2020-03-29

Expedition Deck By


Cost Curve




original list from magikarp (thx for sharing your list):

i took out Akko, Inspired Artist and Crimson Firemaw because of budget reasons and i find crimson firemaw too slow because you give your opponent one turn to handle him.

Press the Advantage was also a narrow choice for me, i wasn't able to find the time to play this card to protect my Acclaimed Artisan and the one time i played it was Spear ed away in response. so i don't like cards that give myself carddisadvange or tempo loss.

also i took out Edict of Kodosh of maindeck and put one in market, sometimes it did not nothing and i wished i had unit to play. i don't know how popular stonescar decks in masters rank itself is in the current meta, so maybe it is the correct choice for ranking up itself in masters rank.

Crownwatch Paladin since nearly every opponent deck was playing blazing salvo or defile i wanted an unit that has aegis and it had also the benefit of warcry to buff my future units. obviously it is not as great for the mirror who also has 4 Furyblade in maindeck.

Reinvigorate is a surprise market card vs permafrost effects, since your opponent won't expect this card coming, also it pumps your unit slightly out of burn range or enemy blocking power units, so it doesn't die.

Fall Short is a market card vs stranger decks, i had never thought i would play this card in a master's deck. lol.

MVP1 was Phoenix Stone in the market, because it provides a constant flying 4/4 thread that can't be Sear'ed by your opponent, so he needs to spend two cards to kill him that gives us a huge tempo boost. i saw very seldom relic hate during my matches. if you don't have this relic you must craft this card for this deck, it won me about 25-35% of the matches otherwise i would have most possibly lost.
2020-04-15 Update: in masters run, i already faced several FTJ decks with display and maindeck Quirin Ascendant, so people are prepared already for Phoenix Stone, so it not as OP as it was in the last month in march 2020.

MVP2 was Thunder of Wings since it provides a charge ing flyer at three power at the cost of exhausting a one or two power ground unit that is possibly brick walled by your opponent units.

General playhint: Be careful if you have an Furyblade equipped don't play your fire or justice Emblem, otherwise your weapon will be gone and you lost two damage for this turn.
2020-04-14: this deck is affected by 2020-04-14 balance changes be careful if you planned to craft this deck now:
possible substitutions for Tinker Overseer: Jadehorn or Seasoned Drillmaster or Crimson Firemwaw.

screenshots of master rank proof and match history will be added also.

match history expedition page1:

match history expedition page2:

match history expedition page3:

master rankup:

freel free to comment for finetuning the deck.

Expedition Information


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 1

Power Sources
17 16 8

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
21 29 20 1

Card Types
28 9 18 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Whispers of the Throne [Set1085]


April 25, 2020

March 29, 2020


Eternal Version
Whispers of the Throne

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL

Revisions (Since last major patch) April 15, 2020



Rizahn Eternal Version: 20.05.04
Can you explain the basics of piloting this? I'm just having trouble getting it to gold.

I've gone like 0-5 versus spellcrag dragon decks.

I just always run out of steam? What are the best one drops? Are you always just playing as much mana as you can? How do you use the fury blade? Do you hold it for taking out a threat, or do you equip it early and smash face?
khan2k14 Eternal Version: 20.05.05
Hello Rizahn,

was ist PF or PFS Dragons, both matchups are probably not good nowadays.

sometimes you ran out of steam, that is correct since you have no carddraw, your market is your virtual cardadvantage.

regarding furyblade: you always try to remove a blocker or you attack first i.e. an enemy X/4 unit and after that you play the weapon and remove the potential big butt blocker where you would otherwise would have been brickwalled.
on your first turn, if you don't have any other unit to play, you are free to play the 2/1 weapon and hit face.

regarding mana: if you have a starting hand with two power cards and one emblem, you should play the emblem without decimate, so that you are able to get four mana in later turns for playing and activating Phoenix Stone in one turn.

don't bother that you loose too much on one specfic matchup, if you see no chance of winning just immedately concede and queue into a new one.


Rizahn Eternal Version: 20.05.12
This comment helped a lot. I made diamond for the first time in Exped with this deck.

I tweaked it just a bit - I don't have Milos, and I didn't like Warbrush Oni. Instead I put in:

2x Akko, Inspired Artist
1x Ankle Cutter,
1x Varret
1x Ijin, Imperial Armorer and
1x Jadehorn.

Those are mostly just because I had them. Thanks for sharing the deck!
Daarken Eternal Version: 1.51.6
This deck even worth. I did D3 to master with it.
The only thing that i have change is to replace emblem or Shavka by fire emblem since nerf patch.
TheAsura Eternal Version: 1.51.4
Emblem of Shavka, Acclaimed Artisan and Tinker Overseer got nerferd. Sadly i made this deck a few days ago, what you would replace for these cards and also this is still worth playing this post nerf?
khan2k14 Edited Eternal Version: 1.51.5
Hi TheAsura,

Emblem of Shavka will be still strong and will be still played since it is still a better topdeck than a usual sigil.
Acclaimed Artisan with Mastery 6 is still good enough for the deck, in the past i was rarely able to get to Mastery 4 anyways and the pump effect for your other oni is still too valueable as too play another "bad" oni unit.
Tinker Overseer there is currenlty not replacement for her, since she flys over potentially walled ground units. It is a little bit more fragile now, since you can't buff her with only one relic weapon out of Blazing Salvo range. If you already have them you should you play them, if you don't have them you could try Jadehorn, he should be always decent and also synergizes with your relic weapons.

did you already joined eternal on discord?

TheAsura Eternal Version: 1.51.5
Thanks for the awnser, i joined the discord today. I was testing Milos on this deck and i kinda liked the feel to it
SithLordOfSnark Edited Eternal Version: 1.51.2
I still need a better sample size, but I played this deck for 5 games in a row and won 4 of them. I'll come back and play some more later, but I think this deck might make me finally get to Masters in Expedition.

Note: I never used Phoenix Stone for any of those games. I just went full on aggro with Oni's and Icaria's Sword.
ngnm_ Eternal Version: 1.51. 1
Managed to climb from Low Gold all the way to GM with this deck. Phoenix Stone is the real MVP, although I learnt quickly not to try and grab it greedily, esp against stranger decks.