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Feln Control

Throne Deck By

Work in Progress

Cost Curve




I haven't seen any decent Feln Control lists lately, so I thought I would put one together heavily inspired by original ones.
Feln Blueprints - Power fixing and the Heirloom is fairly useful later on. Just don't play out power if you get to the point you need to activate it.
Permafrost - Great against large swingy units or stalling.
Annihilate - One of the best removal spells, essentially a shadow staple.
Strategize - Probably the best draw spell for 2, bottom high drops or extra power.
Unseal - I like Unseal more than dazzle. Sometimes, you need to be able to counter a 1 drop spell to stay alive, especially as a control deck.
Vara's Favor - Anti Aggro power fixing, breaks aegis.
Blight Pass Smuggler - In this build, I like the access to both factions in the market. Survives Hailstorm and Cover from the Storm.
Feeding Time - Great removal spell now that it cost 3. Get rid of annoying revenge units or any unit.
Hailstorm - Anti Aggro sweeper, a must have for any control deck.
Deathstrike - Fast removal without restrictions, I think the speed is more relevant than In Cold Blood, but you could possibly do a split.
Waxing Moon - Great card to play ASAP, times very well with a turn 6 Black Sky Harbinger.
Champion of Cunning - Classic Feln finisher, we want to prioritize Primal influence to get his Flying and Aegis up.
Evolving Olzial - Relic and Site hate, Regen makes him harder to remove. The card draw is very strong as well.
Black-Sky Harbinger - Life gain, flyer, and board wipe with Waxing Moon out.
Crackling Bauble - I really like Bauble, even though it almost always reveals a power card, the extra draw and potential win condition is very strong.
Vara, Fate-Touched - From the classic Feln Control lists, Vara brings back most of our creatures and is a great blocker. Extra board wipe potential with Harbinger.
Clan Standard - Power that becomes removal once you hit 5, I might replace it with the classic Cobalt Monument, but for now I am running this.
Cobalt Waystone - Face Aegis.
Formbend - This card has proven very useful in all sorts of situations, it is probably Feln's best answer to relics.
Burglarize - Second best answer to relics, This is what you want to steal opposing weapons, as they are probably the decks biggest weakness.
Cover From the Storm - Anti Aggro sweeper #8, it's a good card to have access to when you can't find your hailstorms.
Silverblade Menace - Anti Control finisher, great against spell heavy decks and a decent body to block or swing with.
Azindel's Gift - Anit Control tech that I really enjoy, a lot of time your opponent will just surrender to this.

Against Aggro - We run Vara's Favor, Hailstorm, Black Sky Harbinger and Cover from the Storm in the market, try to keep their board clear, try to get a face aegis and hold up Unseal.
Against Control - Azindel's Gift is probably the biggest enemy for opposing control decks. Don't be too concerned about losing your creatures, Champion of Cunning is probably the go-to threat you want to present them with, as they need to deal with the aegis first.
Against Midrange - Deathstrike, Annihilate, Permafrost, Feeding Time provide an onslaught of removal, prioritize removing any card advantage engine they play like Javan.

This deck has been working very well for me so far, I have lost a few games to misplays, but the tools to deal with almost any deck are here. There aren't really any outs against mill, but try to keep Tome out of play.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 3

Power Sources
21 16 12

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
9 36 18 9

Card Types
17 8 30 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]
Shadow of the Spire [Set1087]
Buried Memories [Set1105]


December 27, 2021


Eternal Version
Cold Hunt

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skamunist Edited Eternal Version: 21.12.16
Some thoughts:
Vara to help shore up aggressive matchups while also being a threat
Exploit to help deal with relics and smooth mana
Call the hit in sideboard for utility as mana or removal.

Things i Shaved
Deathstrike. Already a lot of removal
Waxing moon. Could never get this to be beneficial for me
chaostehjace Eternal Version: 21.12.16
I agree with this assessment. After several dozen games I found some of the deck just not efficient enough and have changed up some of the core of the idea. I still love Waxing Moon, it is a great drop on turn 4, turn 6 can board wipe with Harbinger, and the incremental card advantage is amazing. Getting two in play is almost never the wrong move. My new list cuts unseal, big Vara and the merchant for Wasteland Broker and Grasping at Shadows in the market. The new version is lower to the ground with a single Azindel's Gift at the high end.