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Skycrag Aggro

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Deck I used to get to master (January 2018), I took SugaA list and just made a few changes.
The deck has good matchups against almost everyone with a good start, it struggles against Sandstorm Titan and i felt that the praxis matchup is one of the worst (maybe some Polymorph can help with the matchup but I think they are just too bad against the rest of the field).

Another card I was not impressed with was the Granite Monument, I almost always played it as a power and i often wanted another unDepleted power instead of it.

Rakano Outlaw on the other hand was really good, equipped with a Shogun's Scepter or Ornate Katana is very hard o block in the early turns.

Alpine Tracker is good if you are facing a lot of grenadins or even in the mirror in the right situation, it's stil unclear to me if this card should be included in th 75 or not.

One of the Obliterate should have been a Soulfire Drake but the difference is not that huge.

Depending on the meta you are facing one Rockslide can be substituted with other things like a third Miner's Musket, a fourth Rakano Outlaw or another Shogun's Scepter.

Granite Waystone has never played a huge role in the games I played, but on the other hand it was never a drawback, some situation may occur in which you have Seat of Fury along with the Waystone and it will come into play tapped.

Match-up guide (Work in progress):
This guide is still a work in progress based on my initial impression about the deck, I just played enough games to get to master, I don't have any data analytics about the match-ups so i won't show any percentage but rather a feeling on the difficulty and my approach to the game lines.

Praxis Midrange: Unfavorable
They have early removals in the form of Torch and Purify which hit almost al of our early drops, Excluding Snowcrust Yeti. The absolut best card though is Sandstorm Titan which we basically have n way to remove apart from Obliterate or some combination of attacks and spell (the most convenient one is Torch and Vadius, Clan Father).
Generally two type of games may happen:
1 - We go wide with early drop and try to put as much pressure as possible on their lifetotal using removals to clear the way, if they drop titan we just have to keep attacking pushing some damageand trying to finish the game with burn spell.
2 - We can farm enough warcry trigger on a single creature or suite up a Vadius, Clan Father with some weapon to go over Sandstorm Titan, remember that they don't have many removals for big creatures, keep your Permafrost for Worldbearer Behemoth.

Feln Control: Favorable
Pay attention to not overextend into Lightning Storm and leverage on your aegis units, charge creature are very good to push some unexpected damage, try to not expose Champion of Fury to Lightning Storm.
You might want to attack recklessy once they are near 6 power since Black-Sky Harbinger will take your small creatures and if they don't have it they usually have no business in winning the game.
With the new Cobalt Waystone they now have some more face aegis which might be problematic for Obliterate but remember that Alpine Tracker can take care of it.

Rakano Plate: Even
The coin tossis really crucial here, getting a fast start is a big step toward winning.
Their main threats are Unseen Commando and Whirling Duo which are virtually impossibl to race, try to keep your Torch and Permafrost for those creatures. Remember though to close the game fast since a Deepforged Plate on a permafrosted unit can be devastating.

Stonescar Midrange: Favorable
Your removals are quite good at taking care of their units, Torch for Champion of Chaos and Argenport Instigator, try to keep Permafrost for the bigger ones but if you feel you can push much damage don't hesitate and put them on smaller units too.
You can also outvalue them thanks to the aegis units. Vara's Favor is a beating but there isn't much to do there.

Next Coming Soon


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 2

Power Sources
17 13 9 4

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Deck Rarities
14 26 18 2 5

Card Types
28 10 12 0 25


January 5, 2018


Eternal Version
The Dusk Road

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