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Rank1 Master Jund- TheBergund

Throne Deck By


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Rank1 with the best Jund decklist!


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 2 2

Power Sources
13 12 16 16

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
8 21 25 17

Card Types
23 6 25 1 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Jekk's Bounty [Set1001]
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]
Into Shadow [Set1004]


January 2, 2019

January 1, 2019


Eternal Version

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mauric Eternal Version: 1.42.3
ahhh I miss deck. It was so damn good before the nerf!
Leddiable Eternal Version: 1.42.2
Not a single harsh rule?
RosaThorn Eternal Version: 1.42.2
Apologies for the semantics, but I can't help myself.
Calling this faction identity Jund is silly. Visuals matter much less than mechanical parity, and Justice is White, more or less. This is Mardu if you insist on using Magic terms. Winchest if you're using Eternal's new 3-faction identifiers.

On good faith for reading my pointless complaints, I will say the decklist is very nice!
TheBoxer Eternal Version: 1.42.2
I just got top four of an ETS with this list. This is a damn good Jund list, well done.
TheBergund Eternal Version: 1.42.2
GG for the top! Ty and Good luck
IlyaK1986 Eternal Version: 1.42.2
I think a couple of changes need to be made. Move vanquish to black market, replace with annihilate, remove avigraft. Replace Brel with Icaria.

That said, the 25 base power + 4 cargo + 4 lost scroll feels REALLY tight. Sometimes, you just don't have the time to play the scroll, and it's a -2 on tempo (raw power is +1, cargo is 0, lost scroll is -2), and in those instances, you're falling behind because you're missing power drops (EG turn 4 do you drop Vara or play lost scroll?). 29 sources just feels too little.

Also, did you try Amilli in the 5 slot? I'm watching SifuDanny stream an FJS deck with Amilli and the dude is a must-answer threat.
Arpeggi Edited Eternal Version: 1.42.2
Hey, I played you on my way to masters tonight. I agree on the Avigraft thing. It feels really bad that your one fetchable piece of hard removal is a blank against opposing Xos. I replaced Avigraft with the Vanq in the market and added two Annihilates to the main - replacing Vanq and one Quarry. With the treasure troves, you don't have room for too many durdely 2-mana spells.

I still prefer Brel to Icaria , because as you said the power base is tight and 7 is much easier to hit than 8. I'm usually holding on to my 8th power for merchant draws. I think Icaria could work but you'd need to increase the power count.
notyourbf Eternal Version: 1.42
This deck is the nuts, I knew it would be good, but a lot of games, you just feel so superior to the opponent, the lifegain is great vs aggro, the value of xo, smugglers and display of ambition seems to outgrind everything, deck seems a little vulnerable to wwh combo if they pull it off, but I love the deck. Great job.

What do you think about changing avigraft to the main and vanquish to the market? gives a direct answer to xo from the market
Ravager Eternal Version: 1.42
I'm struggling to get any value out of Regent's Tomb, it's so weak to removal it generally just dies after the first turn.
IlyaK1986 Eternal Version: 1.42
It's against slow durdle decks. You get it with a smuggler, maintain board control, then it's basically Elias unless they play Rizahn.
Aetherllama Eternal Version: 1.42
Similar to what I was playing day 1 of set 5, looks only about 10 non-power cards different. I like your take on it.
TheBergund Eternal Version: 1.42
This is not my own decklist but I think Jund, or Winchest, is sure a T1
What did you play different?
Ty and good luck
Aetherllama Eternal Version: 1.42
I was playing Dragon Smuggle Juggle. Same idea, some extra anti-aggro. Your list looks better vs control.
Ravager Edited Eternal Version: 1.42
Two best merchants: Check

Crazy Overpowered Dragon: Check

Howling Peak: ?

Howling Peak Counter: Check

I really want to squeeze some Stonepowder Alchemists in here though, they're crazy with Ambition and great against aggro that plagues the ladder at the start of the season.
BoyTorero Eternal Version: 1.42
Howling Peak Counter: Check? please tell me, almost everybody is playing this site
Ravager Eternal Version: 1.42
Vicious Highwayman pings for 1 and charges for 4, which kills Howling Peak on an empty board, or at least usually kills off their blocker so they can't use mirror image on it.
TwoEagles Eternal Version: 1.42
Display of ambition is my new fav card.
ElsOphion Eternal Version: 1.42
How hard is it to say winchest we finally know half of our three faction colors already why not use them?
Driftwood_Stickman Eternal Version: 1.42
Since Justice = White, it's clearly Dega anyway.
Though this deck certainly does have a "Jund 'em Out" feeling to it.
zilfran Eternal Version: 1.42
Old habits clearly die hard haha.
JTJag Eternal Version: 1.42
Not maindecking Brel feels wrong.
skayleef Eternal Version: 1.42
Isn't the point that you get access to 8 copies of brell instead of 4 if maindecking?
TheBergund Edited Eternal Version: 1.42
Yep, It is better 1 Brel in Black Market