Hi everyone!
So when I saw the spoiler, I was especially excited about Cauldron Cookbook which I think is a very powerful card and an example of great and very fun design. I figured the best home for Cauldron Cookbook would be in a midrange deck that had a bunch of lifesteal units and I feel Stonescar Midrange has gotten a lot of traction in the new expansion with the release of Vara.
Here is the basic shell for my version of Stonescar Midrange with Cookbooks which I'll be testing, tuning and updating.
I'm trying 2 Last Chance over 2 Dark Return for now since the deck is very mana hungry and you want most of your mana up to activate Cookbooks anyway.
Feedback from testers would be much appreciated!
EDIT: My friend and teammate mgallop has played this deck to masters now and I've made a few modifications based on the feedback he gave and that of other tdc members. The one in cold blood is just a placeholder slot now since it's reasonably useful but we're not sure what to replace it with.
I'm also wondering how good Jekk has been for you. In my experience he hasn't done much at all - I replaced him in the mainboard with two soulfires, but left him in the market.
On paper it seems like it should murder time based decks, but I keep getting destroyed by Xenan.
As for the market, you generally want to get Flamestoker against control - it is a required merchant into attachment removal for control decks. You can get cookbook at any point where you're out of gas and have spare mana each turn to draw cards, you get bore when you need to kill their attachments, you get jekk when you can set up tribute or need a 7/7 deadly and you get the banner when you need to hit power drops. Do not be afraid to get the banner if it sets up your hand well. Additionally, remember that you can hold merchants until they're relevant - you do not need to run one out on t3 for the sake of playing it if you don't feel like you are the aggressor in the matchup. The longer you hold a merchant, the more information you'll have when you finally get a card out of the market.
Other than that, knowing when to use removal and to hold it is very important - don't throw away removal if you don't need to use it and remember that you can use cards like torch or annihilate at instant speed to blow out tricks and get 2 for 1s.
Really, I am mainly a draft player and I would recommend that in order to learn to play a deck like this, one plays draft - draft decks tend to play a lot like this one will play (though obviously you don't need to worry about overextending into Harsh Rule there :P)
1. Jekk feels horrid without some way to reliably trigger tribute and
2. The deck only has 1 way to answer an azindel without somehow triggering Jekk or being grossly ahead.
All but 1 of the decks I faced have been azindel decks tho, so that might account for my track record.
Also remember, you can torch or annihilate your own merchant or ripknife in order to enable jekk tribute and it will sometimes be correct to do so.
Highwayman is a solid option but I don't think the meta is that aggro-oriented and it has a rough time attacking into big time units. If you're seeing mostly aggro or smaller midrange decks, Highwayman could do a lot of work for you!
Playing Vara with Maiden in play is just great.
How have you been finding Tyrant? Some of us at TDC have been liking it and some of us not as much.