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Budget Straightforward Sacrifice

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Trying to recreate an archetype from MtG that I enjoyed a lot. I'm just a sucker for sacrificing my units, ya know?
Anyways, here's what I've got so far, and if you have any suggestions to improve it I'm all ears. It's no tournament deck by any means.

So you dump out a load of grenadins and sacrifice them, what could be more straightforward? The payoffs are Rotoscavenger, Mysterious Waystone and the Induce Madness in the market.

Probably the best sacrifice outlet is the Twisted Farmer, Flametail Whip can do ok as well.

One of the weaknesses is that you can be stuck with a number of cards in your hand that require a unit on the field to get rolling. Also, board wipes can be...difficult.

I'm thinking that there should be some sort of team +x/+x effect in the market, likely instead of the Strange Burglar, because you can often flood the board with chaff and if you can skip needing a sacrifice payoff and just win by attacking, might as well have access to it.
Also, I'm trying out ditching the Flametail Whip for Exploit. The Whip is a fairly redundant effect and hopefully the Exploits will help out against the answers. Could do Back-Alley Delinquent instead for the extra body to devour or recycle.
Possibly the Torchs could be Nectar of Unlifes to buy back Twisted Farmer and Rotoscavengers. I'll give these a shot and see how they perform.
*Trying out all three swaps at the moment. The list is what I'm currently trying

Anyway, let me know your thoughts, and have a superb day!


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
1 3

Power Sources
19 20 13

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Deck Rarities
11 44 11 1

Card Types
15 6 33 0 26

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Jekk's Bounty [Set1001]

Aggro Combo

March 26, 2023


Eternal Version
Behemoths of Thera

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Revisions (Since last major patch) March 26, 2023



osmosisch Edited Eternal Version: 23.03.22
At least one Shrine to Karvet is pretty standard in such decks.

Speltz Eternal Version: 23.03.22
Oh my, didn't know this card existed. Thanks, I'll use that instead of the Burglar