This is not a top tier deck (or probably even mid tier) -- but it is a very fun and satisfying deck to play.
I love mill decks and build/play them regularly but they tend to be the same feln core. I always see profane censor and wanted to see if I could make it work. I really tried not to be too greedy with card choices, opting for 1-of curses and fetching them with Parul's Choice.
I'm interested in hearing ideas to make it better but suspect that what would really improve the deck would quickly evolve into scrapping the deck for something more meta.
There's no 1-drop for restrained action but it hits after that. I've gotten a lot of value from it just in the quantity of curses it puts on units, which trigger profane censor, which is the point of the deck. More units would be great but I'm not sure what to cut for them.
When I've done curse decks before, they can be powerful but slow since it takes a while to get impactful units. This deck doesn't need units, it just needs to not die and the curses do that pretty well. Profane Censor is a pretty quick mill so I'd rather just have all the board wipes than better units. I'd love to hear ideas, though.
I'll have to think on that and try to offer a few suggestions. Thanks for listening!