So today i bought the new mini-set and wanted to make a deck with some new cards. Turns out that
Praxis Trove is a great card that can burn the opponent's face out of nowhere. This is the good ol' fire strategy: play small dudes, hit face, burn face. The difference is that you wanna play trove as soon as possible, cause then when you play your small dudes you also kill enemy units or burn face with your spells. I thought of using the double-draw package with some strangers to ramp and play trove and a lot of units in a single turn, so sometimes vou have very explosive turns.
This is deffinetly not a good deck, but it's a lot of fun when it Works. I just made the deck and played just a few games, havent played against Xenan Strangers or SS Dragons yet, just some other aggro and relic decks, so i can't say anything about good or nas matchups. Anyway, hope you like it, thanks for your time 😘